Sunday, March 18, 2012

3.18.12: Connecting the Dots

Today's program was seemingly all over the map with discussions on the Republican Primary races, Super PACs, Afghanistan and the tragic act committed by Sgt. Robert Bales, the crisis in Syria, and finally the discussion of what is happening in the Sudan with George Clooney and John Prendergast. However, there are three consistently interwoven threads that connect them all and those are the United States, Russia, and China.

Senator John McCain (R-AZ), making his 64th appearance on Meet The Press, said point blank that Mitt Romney needs to do a better job campaigning if he wants the nomination. Mr. Romney, on the campaign trail, consistently speaks of increasing military spending so that there will be no question around the world as to which country has the most military power. But we already have that supremacy, 10-fold in fact. Rarely does he speak of diplomacy in solving the problems that the U.S. faces abroad. Diplomacy requires nuance and as evidenced on the campaign, this is something that Mr. Romney sorely lacks.

Mr. McCain is correct to complain about Super PACs, but you get what you pay for. In the case of Newt Gingrich's campaign, Sheldon Adelson funds his campaign on the promise that the United States will wage a war on Iran to protect Israel. In strict constructionist terms, the First Amendment guarantees free speech but does not designate the difference between a collective or an individual so technically the decision was correct, however, in practicality this decision is a disaster. It's created the nastiest campaign, to use the Senator's words, that he's ever seen. So will our foreign policy be dictated by the whims of a few? Senator McCain said that there would be scandals (with regard to Super PAC funding) and then we'll have to 're-legislate,' but really it's a 're-litigate.'

The Senator also stated that Iran would be dealt a crippling blow in its influence if the United States were to engage militarily with Syria, and given the evidence that Russia is supplying the Assad Government with arms, he concludes that we should arm the insurgents. In effect this will create another proxy war with Russia, which we can not afford. What would a President Romney do? Would he look into the soul of President Putin, as President Bush did, and conclude that we trust them? Russia is loving what is happening in Afghanistan with the United States being bogged down in a prolonged war in that country, seeing our finances and human resources stretched beyond capacity.

The good Senator said that we needed to be committed to victory in Afghanistan instead of consistently emphasizing withdrawal plans. However, if you listened to the round table discussion today, 'victory' is a murky proposition. Author John Krakauer deemed the counter-insurgency doomed to fail at the start. The point being that a military trained to fight can not win hearts and minds with the barrel of a gun. To buttress that, Ms. Cooper pointed out that the population does not feel safe with the presence of the U.S. Military in country. Of course this is punctuated by this latest tragedy of Sgt. Robert Bales' mass shooting of Afghan civilians. These realities, along with many others, should be the impetus for us to get out of country.

Paul Rieckhoff stated that at this moment the suicide rate among Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans is higher than the casualty rate among our soldiers. This is the direct product of too few fighting too much, over ten years of war and more than 200,000 traumatic brain injuries in ten years. So to Senator McCain, where's the victory in this? The panel threw around comparisons between Iraq and Afghanistan with some of the members pointing to the commonalities and others disagreeing. But here's how that stacks up given that we've executed a troop surge in both countries. The similarities are few. Afghanistan is no where near as stable as Iraq, and that's saying something. The Iraqis have had the sense of what a functioning government looks like and the network of bureaucracy that is needed to create stability. Also, a distinct difference between both counter-insurgency efforts is that in Afghanistan we are paying people whereas in Iraq we enriched people with money, and power. For dissident Iraqis there was the incentive of control. There is no sense of control in Afghanistan.

Mr. Gregory, in the interview segment with Senator McCain asked about the contraception law in Arizona that if passed would require women to inform their employers why they would want birth control. The Senator doesn't think that this will pass, and when asked about the Republican (clearly Republican initiated) 'War on Women,' he said that this needed to be fixed. What Mr. Gregory didn't point out is the distinct irony that in Afghanistan we're fighting for women's rights (Republicans advocating for continued/escalated fighting) while here at home Republicans are trying to take rights from women. Frankly, this is a disgrace.

Lastly, in addition to the human cost, our finances are so strained because of our extended wars, it renders the United States with little leverage in dealing with China, and in the example of today's program, the Sudan which Mr. Gregory discussed with George Clooney and John Prendergast. Though Mr. Clooney effectively puts it in financial terms, China has little incentive to do cooperative business with us because they can outbid and outspend the United States at every turn in the procuring natural resources [read: petroleum]. As long as the United States is engaged in protracted wars, Mr. Clooney will have to continue to solely rely on his celebrity because the U.S. government, though would like to have his back, can not afford it.

Round table: Author and Afghanistan War veteran Wes Moore; author of the bestselling book “Where Men Win Glory” about the death of Pat Tillman, Jon Krakauer; Founder and Executive Director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Paul Rieckhoff; the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward; and the New York Times’ Helene Cooper.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

3.11.12: What Happened to 'God's Green Earth?'

All the talk about the delegate count and whether or not Newt Gingrich should get out of the race between Rick Santorum and Mr. Gregory this morning is a bit frivolous in as much as there's no telling at this moment where the Republican primary race is going to go. Mr. Santorum mentioned uncommitted delegates and super delegates that are still up in the air, but the fact of the matter is that the primary races have to play out and delegates are going to go with the proportional winners. As for Mr. Gingrich, and Mr. Santorum for that matter, there is no reason to get out of the race when you have the structure of financial backing that these two candidates have, which is to say that both of their campaigns rely on a single mega-donor, Sheldon Adelson and Foster Freiss respectively. In this new climate, candidates will ride all the way to the convention and then try to leverage their delegates for their own goals.

What we find ridiculous, and for Rick Santorum in particular, is the Senator's take on the President's energy policy, calling him the leader of a radical environmental movement in the United States, so much for God's Green Earth we guess. The rhetoric is on the Republicans' side, but the numbers and the reality is on the Democrats side. If you know nothing else, know that all the oil produced gets put onto the world market, a world market where the United States doesn't set the price Also, when you consider the fact that the United States produces 2% of the world's oil and uses over 20% of the world's supply then oil prices are going to be high. Also, high gas prices are completely relative. Gasoline in the United States is cheap comparatively to many industrialized countries around the world.

Americans were upset when the BP oil spill severely damaged the Gulf Coast, so why is it unacceptable when we take time to pause and evaluate the environmental effect on more drilling or an oil pipeline installation? Money drives judgment but every decision can not be made with respect to money. This may come as a shocker, but money doesn't fix everything, especially when it comes to the environment, just ask the Japanese. Opening up all the spigots right here, right now is not going to lower gas prices.

Mr. Santorum also mentioned regulations that are damaging business and getting in the way of it, and what he's talking about is the Dodd-Frank bill, which was created presumably so that we do not repeat the mess that we got into in 2008, which was driven by credit default swap where no one was held accountable at margin call. What Mr. Santorum is talking about is a regulation boogie-monster.

Lastly, and ever-present in an interview with Rick Santorum is the discussion of 'Obamacare,' which he sites as the overriding factor to his calling to run for President. Mr. Santorum says that 'Obamacare' would neglect his special needs child, and marginalize that child as unproductive and not worth the time. He continues that intrusive government is making that judgment,'government running people's lives' he said, and its unacceptable. However, at odds with this is Mr. Santorum's stance on women's reproductive rights.

Governor McDonnell, tactfully circumvented the question about the invasive procedure that his state legislature mandated within Virginia's new law that required an ultrasound for women seeking an abortion. Mr. Santorum is for this procedure, but as Mr. Gregory pointed out, this is a government mandate on a health issue. This leads to the biggest problem the Republican party has right now, and that is what conservative columnist Peggy Noonan deemed as a lack of respect toward women. She didn't specifically point the finger at anyone, but this misogyny against women, as she also termed it, is going to be the ruination of the Republican Party. The optics, the rhetoric and the policy initiatives are all at odds with the natural evolution of society in the United States. We could go into all the rhetorical angles illustrating why this is bad for the country, but frankly, and simply, men, only men, should not be making laws and about women's reproductive health, and the debate on contraception takes most Americans back to a time they can't remember. And you know why they can't remember that time? Because it doesn't make sense since they weren't even born yet.

MSNBC’s Al Sharpton, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Washington Post’s EJ Dionne, and the Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan

Postscript: During today's program, there was a report on a U.S. soldier in Kandahar, Afghanistan who left his post and shot 16 Afghan civilians, which included women and children. The bottom line is that the sooner we get out of this country (and end our warring) the better. Because of our military having to overextend itself, we've lowered recruiting standards, we've asked soldiers to do multiple tours - meaning years and years of war for each individual, and increased the stress level for our people and cemented resentment in their people.

The story of the Koran burning, on its face, was bad enough but there are stories that the Korans in question had been used to pass messages to plot against American soldiers. The books were defaced by their own proponents. However, this murder rapage, no matter how you would attempt to spin it, is the moment where we need to turn it all around and turn it back. It is not in our national interest to be there in these numbers anymore.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

3.14.12: Predicta-Inevitability

When Mr. Newt Gingrich begins to, what my mother would say, hem and haw toward the end of a question you know that what ever his answer is going to be it is going to start with a condemnation of the press, the 'elite media,' for being on the topic. In a way he is right in that now, the debate is about how the debate itself is being framed. The devolution occurred very quickly. However, you have to consider the source of the debate, Mr. Rush Limbaugh and his influence amongst the Republican party rank and file. It was a large voice from the Republican base that created the ugliness of this. And Mr. Gregory made sure to ask everyone on the program today what their thoughts were on Mr. Limbaugh's comments (which we're sure by now you know all too well). The sad reality of Mr. Limbaugh's show, if you listen to it, is that comments like his are bound to come out because he spends three hours a day, five days a week criticizing and ridiculing, but never once offering any solutions.

But here is where Mr. Gingrich is very wrong in his rhetoric. Of the statements that he could quote, he quoted the Catholic Bishops in saying, "The President is waging war against the Catholic Church," and he ran with it going further that this is the most radical move against the Catholic Church, which is hyperbole of the tallest order. Additionally, what's wrong with his rhetoric is his labeling of birth control as 'abortion pills.' It's a minor point, but still inappropriate. Where he really goes over the lie, is when he implies that the President is some secret Islamic sympathizer because he's 'waging war against Catholicism' at home, and apologizing to Muslims overseas (for the Koran burning incident with the U.S. Military). Congressman Cantor (R-VA), for his part during his interview, at least came out strong against the commentator's comments.

If the debate is framed in one of religious freedom instead of the moral compass and hence authority to speak out by the Catholic Church then we can talk, but if it's the latter then there needs to be another source of the outrage. [Yes, you can forgive, but forgetting is always something entirely different. The Catholic Church, frankly, has yet to fully atone for all its sins.]

Getting beyond all this... Rush Limbaugh, the Catholic Church, the outrage... If a Catholic Hospital doesn't want to fund birth control pills, for example, in their health insurance offering to employees, then according to what Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) said today, the insurance company that they use assumes the burden of payment, instead of the religious institute. That's the compromise from the President, but it's still unacceptable.

If the insurance company is also a Catholic Institution, then we can see the objection, but if it's a private for-profit insurance company then fully comprehensive plans that include contraceptive health services should be offered. We could go on for columns and columns just listing the book titles about how there needs to be more compromise in our political system, but we need to do two things here: One, respect women's health rights first and foremost; and secondly, we need to get beyond this. Things like the Blount Amendment voted on this week in the Senate, which Ms. Wasserman-Schultz was rightly outraged by, go too far and it is no where near where the American people are on health care and religious/moral freedom. Being more concise - that amendment was just stupid.

In addition to Mr. Gingrich railing on the press, what also struck predictable was Congressman Eric Cantor's endorsement of Mitt Romney for President. Mr. Cantor, like Mitt Romney, is not a cultural warrior of the Rick Santorum stripe per se, but very fiscally conservative. Interpret that as you will. The understated Savannah Guthrie made the good point that Romney blew an opportunity to come out against Mr. Limbaugh's comments and by doing so appeal to independent voters which he has to start doing but hasn't because of a very messy primary. Mr. Romney clearly has no stomach for dealing with social issues despite what Mike Murphy says. Mr. Cantor also boldly predicted that Mr. Romney would win his state of Virginia where there are only two people on the ballot - Mr. Romney and Dr. Paul (Santorum and Gingrich both didn't make it). In Mr. Cantor's description of Mitt Romney's economic plan, he characterized it as pro-growth, pro-jobs, and went on to say it is because Mr. Romney knows how to do it. To that point, one could argue that in his time at Bain Capital, he created a net of 100,000 jobs. But the question has to be what are the quality of those jobs? Simply creating retail jobs means that middle class income will be unlikely to progress upward. This says nothing of his proposed tax policy, which would create even less revenue for the government and hence a larger deficit.

Mr. Cantor made the Romney-like argument with regard to the United States' energy policy. He said that the President will argue that oil production is at an all time high, but despite that the President is holding back permits for more drilling. The argument is thin because additional permits aren't going to lower oil, hence gas, prices. The United States is now exporting oil and prices have not come down so this nuance of restricting permits wouldn't really solve anything. The operative example for this debate is the Keystone Pipeline, for which Republicans advocating.

Congresswoman Wasserman-Schultz pointed out that it would take 45 years for the oil production from the pipeline to equal the same amount we would save under President Obama's policies. When one is speaking in projections, it's difficult to say how it will turn out so that reasoning is something to be considered but not taken as gospel. What was telling is that Ms. Wasserman-Schultz said the Republican Governor of Nebraska is one record as saying that more time and assessment is needed before proceeding with the pipeline. This is a fact so as it stands, somewhere in the Republican argument there is a disconnect between the ideological/political assessment for the pipeline and the practicality of it. Mr. Cantor said the President is hostile to fossil fuels, but instead we would contend that the President is seeing it simply as a finite source of energy.

Despite Mr. Cantor's assertions that Mitt Romney is the best man for the Presidency, the candidate is mired in a tough primary battle with Super Tuesday, primaries in 11 states, two days away. The reason it's been tough is the very reason why Mr. Cantor believes Mr. Romney should be the nominee, his economic policies. Rick Santorum is arguing that Mr. Romney's policies wouldn't be good for working-class Americans. This perception is reinforced by Mr. Romney himself with his numerous verbal gaffes - another Bain Capital Moment - 'a couple of Cadillacs.'

The remaining question is whether or not Mitt Romney will wrap up the Republican nomination this Tuesday. Ms. Guthrie also astutely pointed out that candidacies do not die a nature death these days, running out of money when you run out of support, because of Super PACs. This couple with Mark Halperin's assessment that if Mr. Romney loses Ohio, which is a very tight race right now, the primaries will go on.

Mike Murphy said that Mr. Romney is doing well with the delegates collected but his perception of winning primaries isn't great. We would contend that the opposite is true. Mr. Romney isn't doing as well as he should be with delegates. His perception of winning is good because he's been declared the winner in primaries and then it has ended up that he in fact lost the primary (Iowa) or his win is being contested by the other candidates (Michigan and Maine). Is the inevitability factor blinding the actual results? We predict that these discrepancies will continue to play a factor on Super Tuesday (or after it as the case may be) and that the Republican primary race will continue to slog on.

Round Table: Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, GOP strategist Mike Murphy, Time Magazine’s Mark Halperin, and NBC’s Savannah Guthrie.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

2.26.12: Everything You Wanted to Know About Connecting with People (but Were Afraid to Ask)

We lead with this... Former Congressman Harold Ford made a good point in that the most interesting answer Former Senator Rick Santorum gave during his interview was on Afghanistan and not on the separation of Church and State.

Mr. Santorum said that the President should not have apologized for the U.S. Military inadvertently burning Korans in Afghanistan; Mr. Ford disagreed. However, in addition to making the point that if the situation were reversed and an Islamic Army burned Bibles here, would Mr. Santorum want an apology because it is a matter of faith, Mr. Ford pointed to this as a barometer of how Mr. Santorum would negotiate with other nations in times of conflict. Mr. Ford rarely delivers during his guest spot, but today he certainly did because what he was getting at is the major flaw of Rick Santorum as a Presidential candidate. He only see the world through his very narrow prism and is unable to figuratively step outside the situation and see it from all perspectives, and that means everything from contraception to foreign policy.

Yes, the President did apologize and should have as he understands the delicate nature of other people's faith, especially in Afghanistan. Senator Santorum did when it came to the Administration's decision on contraception, which angered the Catholic Bishops, but not this? Is a blatant disregard, a sense of arrogance toward other nations and faiths under the cover of the idea of American Exceptionalism? On another point, which we'll get to later, Mr. Santorum called the President a snob so either in the above point, he's either arrogant or stupid. The question, as Mr. Ford rightly brought up, is not whether to apologize or not, but how will Mr. Santorum negotiate with other nations in instances like these?

And we'd be remiss not to mention Senator Santorum's answers with regard to faith playing a role in governing. In referencing the Kennedy video (see below), Mr. Santorum said that Kennedy's stance on the separation of Church and State was too rigid and disagreed with Kennedy that it should be absolute. He quickly said that it wasn't the founders vision, but that's not true at all. The First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

So how could President Kennedy's stance be too rigid if he followed the above tenant? Mr. Santorum cited the slave movement and the civil rights movement as ones that were rooted in faith. In fact, he said that it's a "Dangerous idea to take faith out of the decisio in making process." Given that more people die in the name and because of religion, we'll refer back to the First Amendment for our stance. But beside leaving that to interpretation, what raised eyebrows is how he referred to slavery, as a movement. We'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he meant anti-slavery. Movements usually are called so because they advocate for something, and Mr. Santorum isn't advocating for slavery. Given that, the anti-slavery movement? More Americans died in the civil war, a war fought over slavery, than in all other American wars combined, not to mention the merciless oppression with all its ripples and echoes. It wasn't simply a movement as Mr. Santorum labeled it... Just saying.

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This entire discussion points to the fact that Mr. Santorum, as Washington Post Columnist Kathleen Parker said, overshoots. He always takes his argument too far to the right, and as Ms. Parker also pointed out, it's troublesome to people who know Mr. Santorum well. He's just never going to get enough people behind his views and agenda.

However, as the argument has been, at least he has views, convictions, and an agenda as opposed to Mitt Romney who apparently does not. Mr. Santorum said that Mr. Romney's speech earlier this week at Ford's Field was timid, insider, and nothing new. Mr. Santorum just needs to be careful with that rhetoric because as he admitted as much in the Arizona debate earlier in the week, his vote on No Child Left Behind. That vote was along party lines, he was the Whip (the person responsible for getting the votes) at the time, and the law advocated for standardized testing (some thing he opposes).

But Mr. Romney can be insufferable. That he said his wife drives a 'couple of Cadillacs' during said speech just creates another layer of separation between him and the people whose votes he's trying to court, like a bad onion. Cut to Kathleen Parker again - who said that given that he is a dork, Mr. Romney's persona should be shaped as the doctor with no bed side manner, with the bottom line being that he has the cure. This is good, it could work for Mr. Romney given all of his verbal catastrophes [Corporations are people, I'm not concerned about poor people, the trees are the right size (one we'll never understand)].

Here's the rub, Mr. Romney doesn't have the cure, and Mr. Santorum pointed out it out. Mr. Romney was for bailing out the banks, but not for bailing out the auto industry. It's the very reason why the Michigan primary polls are so close. But larger than that, it is well established in people's minds that the jobs that were saved by the auto bailout were in the millions, think of the supply chain to those car makers. If this people's perception, but Mr. Romney doesn't understand that, how is he going to implement economic policies that positively effect those people?

A positive effect is not what college campuses are having on our youth according to Mr. Santorum. As we mentioned, he called the President a snob for saying that every one go to college even though he has encouraged all his children to attend. But we understand Mr. Santorum's point that every kid isn't meant for college, but that the opportunity should be there for them. That's fine but to go on to say that college campuses are indoctrinating students with secular thought is a wrong-minded generalization that seems to imply that university professors should not engage their students in critical thought.

Rick Santorum's positions are appealing to a small sliver of the American populace so hence Mr. Romney (who has yet to come to Meet The Press for an interview) still remains the safe bet for the nomination. And speaking of safe bets, Governor Jan Brewer (R-AZ), on the program today, officially endorsed Mr. Romney for President, who is way ahead in Arizona primary polls. As Republican strategist Steve Schmidt noted, Mr. Romney also has momentum because Mr. Santorum has to continually answer questions about social issue positions, like the content of this column.

In the joint interview with Governor Jerry Brown (D-CA), Ms. Brewer was vocally frustrated when discussing immigration. She said that Texas goes a good job, California does a good job, but Arizona doesn't because it doesn't have the support of the Federal Government. In fact, the state is being sued for its immigration policy that says it can check an individual's citizenship, 'show me your papers,' if they are stopped by police, for example, for something else. The decision will come from the Supreme Court in April. The Federal Government helps all three states with border control so if Texas and California both do a good job as Ms. Brewer said, but Arizona does not, isn't that a reflection more on the governor's performance than anyone else's? Governor Brewer, in fact, framed it in such a way that the responsibility for poor border security should rest on her. Governor Brown, whether you agree with his agenda or not, he does have a clear one, which is the Dream Act in California giving students a path to citizenship. He said that it would also include scholarship opportunities. His reasoning being that you simply can't just round up 12 million people and deport them. Whether or not you agree with him, he didn't whine about it, he brought what he thought was the best solution. Not no solution.

Round table: McCain '08 senior strategist Steve Schmidt, Fmr. Democratic Congressman Harold Ford, Jr., Washington Post's Kathleen Parker, and NBC's Political Director and Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

2.12.12: The Bishops Are Disqualified

What is clearly evident, as E.J. Dionne pointed, is that the President had sufficient warning that mandating free contraception from Catholic institutions issuing insurance, who would object as a matter of conscience, would cause a controversy.

Was it, in fact, overreach? Politically, yes, but constitutionally perhaps not since the Constitution says that we shall make no law with respect to religion, meaning that a religious belief should not factor into the law. But we get it, Republicans framed the argument as oppressing religious freedom and having the right to object to something based on those grounds. Should the President mandate the Catholic Church to do something? Well, the President granted them an exception, presented a compromise, essentially placing them outside the law that other insurance agencies have to follow. The Board of Catholic Bishops rejected the compromise.

Frankly, this discussion is ridiculous - that in 2012 we're debating a woman's right to contraception. Not to mention (and let's put some already used phrases together a little differently), that it's the Catholic Bishops that are leading the objections. Really, the Catholic Bishops? Talk about above or outside of the law. How are we supposed to take seriously a council that looked the other way and actively covered up sex crimes committed around the world over decades by priests under their watch? We simply should not.

However, given the state of the debate and the ease in which you can conflate any mention of sex and religion to something controversial, the President offered a concession. The real concession should be that if you want to sell insurance on the exchange being set up, and the coverage has to be comprehensive to include contraception, but you don't want to comply, you should have your tax exempt status revoked. That the Catholic Bishops are still a voice on conscience is a notion that should be dead. Peggy Noonan said that it was about more than contraception, but religious freedom. The notion that religious freedom is in any danger in this country is a silly notion. Fighting for your freedom from one entity so you can be oppressed by another aside, the debate should be that if a religious organization gets government subsidies, shouldn't it compromise with the government?

With all that said, the White House Chief of Staff, Jack Lew, didn't help the President's cause that much in his interview today. Despite noting the the Administration has the support of the Catholic Health Organization (and why isn't that good enough), the administration would move ahead with implementing the Affordable Health Care Act. We agree the Administration's stance on the issue, but not with its political handling of it. Although, as Mr. Scarborough noted, if the debate is about contraception, it's a loser for the Republicans.

However, two points that Mr. Lew did make that begins the Administration's new attempt to pivot the conversation back to the economy and off of social issues, is that the Congress should extend the payroll tax cut, which expires at the end of February. Additionally, Mr. Gregory brought up the budget and the Obama Administration hasn't had one in over one thousand days. It is ridiculous, but Mr. Lew correctly pointed out that the Congress has to approve the budget so we're in a cycle of the President drawing one up, the Congress rejecting it, and then the President going back to new drafts. It's something that neither side should mention, but it's a question that Mr. Gregory should ask because the only ones who have the right to complain about this is the American people. Both sides share in the responsibility of this failure of not passing a budget.

As long as Senator Rick Santorum is the front runner for the Republican nomination, social issues will be the focus. Mr. Santorum explained that the Obama Administration is acting in a way that they feel they know best, can give you a right but also how you can use that right. Mr. Obama is taking away people's rights, Mr. Santorum continued, by making decisions for individuals. He wants government to stay out of people's lives. And that's where the problem comes in with Mr. Santorum. He says that government should stay out of people's lives, but if he were President he would look to control women's bodies through reproductive law. The basic hypocrisy is troubling, especially since his stance on women's reproductive rights and gay rights seeks to set law according to a religious belief.

Another contradiction is what Mr. Santorum called 'judiciary tyranny' referring to the decision of the 9th circuit court in California overturning Proposition 8 which denied gay couples to marry. The court declared Prop 8 unconstitutional, and this decision overturns a majority vote by the public. Mr. Santorum objects to the court taking this kind of action, but he is the same person who lead the fight in the Terry Schiavo case where he wanted the court to intervene and lead a prayer on the floor of the House. To be fair, Mr. Santorum did say that as a matter of public policy, women should have access to contraception (despite the obstacles that would be politically created).

It can not be said that Mr. Santorum waivers on his extremely conservative social views, which is more you can say for his opponent in this now 'two-man race,' as he described it. When Mr. Santorum referred to it as a two-man race we could help but think that it was a direct dig at Mr. Gingrich. As today's panel entertainingly noted, Mitt Romney is the loser in this argument because there's nothing he can say about it with conviction as he's been on both sides of many social issues, though now he is hard right. When it's common knowledge/general consensus that you'll say anything to get elected as it is for Mr. Romney, your candidacy is ultimately doomed.

Round Table: Head of the Super PAC supporting Pres. Obama, Bill Burton; Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan; Washington Post's EJ Dionne, and MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

2.5.12: Mr. Romney, Lonely at the Top

With a win by Governor Mitt Romney in Nevada (48% meaning 83 delegates), he has strongly seized control of the race, and it showed on Newt Gingrich's face and in his oratory during his interview on today's program. Mr. Gingrich's stated goal is to make it to super Tuesday and the Texas primary where he believes true conservatives will come out for him. The truth is that the Texas political fat cats will throw their dollars in with Romney and he'll take the state. Mr. Gingrich was once again consistent in his attack of Mr. Romney saying today that he is pro-abortion, anti-gun, for more taxes. All indicators from Mr. Romney himself lead us to the conclusion that we're not sure where he actually will stand on many issues if he were elected President.

The key notion that Mr. Gingrich ignores and really has to ignore is that Republican primary voters are voting for Mr. Romney because they think he has the best chance to beat President Obama. However, they're proverbially holding their noses while casting that vote. How does a candidate win a Presidential election, not to mention lead the country, when no one on any side trusts him on what's he's going to do. Yet, he keeps winning primaries. Mr. Gingrich states many more policy positions than Mr. Romney (not difficult since Mr. Romney never states any) such as what he said today. He wants to create private savings accounts for Social Security for future recipients, have school choice for the very poor, a zero capitol gains tax. However, when a seasoned Republican strategist like Alex Castellanos says in the same program that Newt Gingrich has no path to the Presidency because he has now illustrated his instability and that in Nevada Mr. Romney won everyone exception divorce lawyers and narcissists. A sufficiently harsh critique. From here, if the Romney campaign keeps attacking hard on Mr. Gingrich, the former Speaker could go nuclear and try to smear Mr. Romney as much as he possibly can, damaging him to the point where a general election win is certainly less probable. However, if they secede the negativity, Mr. Gingrich could gain momentum.

In those aforementioned policy positions, Mr. Gingrich wants school choice for the very poor. It seems like a reasonable position, but our question is why can't we improve the local school so that the parents can choose that one. There's always talk, on the Democratic side at least, about the need for infrastructure rebuilding, but that must be narrowed to educational infrastructure rebuilding. This, literally, is where the future is, and we're seeing it crumble right in front of us. Furthermore, that Mr. Romney would say, in any context, that he's not concerned about the poor in this country because the school safety net works shows an unrecoverable distance between Mr. Romney's understanding of what's going economically and educationally and where people really are, way out of touch.

Also, making the capital gains tax 0% would do nothing (or very little) to create jobs. The disproportionate few with capital gains would be further enriched and sock away money that was simply made from having money. Not to mention that if you do that without closing some loop holes, a hedge fund manager for example can also claim his salary as a capital gain and then end up paying no taxes. Our debt would explode if capital gains was zero percent.

Crazy as it sounds, when Mr. Gregory half jokingly asked Mr. Gingrich about his comments with regard to space and bases on the moon, he made a good point. We've put billions into the space program and now we don't have a vehicle that could travel into orbit and back. It's not specifically that, but we agree with the general premise that gutting the space program is a mistake. We've unjustly diminished the contributions of NASA, from the technologies they bore that are now common place to the imaginative science it inspires.

But one last thing on Mr. Gingrich's interview - the Obama Administration's controversy with the Catholic Church and the rhetoric that went with it. Not that you would ever expect a minimum standard of discourse from a politician, it's not helpful when a figure like Mr. Gingrich emphatically states that the President of the United States has declared war on the Catholic Church without informing people what is actually going on. In the later round table discussion, they somewhat cleared it up, but here it is. When the Affordable Health Care Act goes into effect, all entities or companies that offer insurance coverage to individuals, they all must offer the same provisions. One of those provisions is contraception, that it should be covered. Here's the rub, the Catholic Church offers insurance through it's hospitals and they don't want to cover contraception because it's against their doctrine and institutional beliefs. The two sides of the argument follow these respective lines. Democrats, as articulated by Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA) today, say that if you offer insurance, all the standards have to be the same for everyone - no exceptions. The Republicans would argue that the Administration is trampling on the Church's religious liberties. It has the potential to become a very big issue and Mr. Gingrich framing it as secularism is crushing religious freedom is, in a word, ridiculous. First, demonizing the word 'secularism' is technically demonizing the constitution and the government's mandate to make decisions void of a religious perspective. Again, not helpful. If the Catholic Church is profiting from this insurance offering, then it must play by the same rules as everyone else. If the insurance offering is not for profit, then maybe it can be negotiated that they maintain their right to deny contraception coverage. That's a possible solution, though our general opinion is that banning contraception outright is not a good idea. If the Church decides to not obey the law, they'll come under debilitating fines. [Certainly, we don't weep for the Catholic Church on this front, and frankly, if they had practiced their own form of contraception and neutered some of their priests, they wouldn't have the financial problems they do.]

The 'Super Bowl' themed second segment featuring Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick (D), New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I) and Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels (R) struck us as a bit comical. When Mr. Daniels would say something, Mr. Bloomberg would say he agreed and then say completely contradictory. When Mr. Daniels called out President Obama regulations and taxes, Mr. Bloomberg agreed and then said we need to raise taxes on everyone, there's no way around it. That aside, Mr. Daniels stuck to his State of the Union rebuttal that President Obama has made the economy worse, that it is the worst recovery since we started keeping records on such things. This is a speculative argument and so is that if Mr. Romney were President the recovery would be better - something today's panel discussed. We would agree with Ms. Maddow that campaigning on that premise will hit a ceiling and is a thin argument. Mr. Romney needs to present more policy points on the trail instead of ugly renditions of 'America The Beautiful.'

Round Table: Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA), NY Times columnist David Brooks, GOP strategist Alex Castellanos, and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

1.29.12: Candidates Making The Case... Against Each Other

Senator McCain called for the end of the debates as they are hurting the candidates and the Republican brand. Later in the program, Joe Scarborough concurred noting that all this in-fighting is damaging the Republican Party citing Sarah Palin comparing the Republican establishment to Stalin. Chuck Todd said, that they've made Gingrich not only unelectable but unacceptable. They Presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin said she hadn't seen it this bad in quite some time, but at least they don't have a song like the one they had for Van Buren. [That's what we love about Mrs. Goodwin, it's not that when she tells these things, she makes you feel like you were there, but that she was there.]

With that in mind, here we sit with the Florida primary two days away and it's Romney up significantly over Newt Gingrich. During the joint interview with Senator John McCain (R-AZ), surrogate for Mr. Romney and former Senator Fred Thompson representing Newt Gingrich. Even though Mr. Thompson was there to speak on his reasons for endorsing Newt Gingrich, something he said struck us that speaks to the heart of why Mr. Gingrich's viability as the nominee is problematic at the least. Mr. Thompson said that all these 'establishment' Republicans coming out against Mr. Gingrich are just trying to settle some political scores. And that's the problem, margin is calling now because Mr. Gingrich has been exceptional in alienating his fellow Republicans as Speaker of the House. Every politician does it to someone else at some time, but Mr. Gingrich it seems he does not do one of the fundamental pillars of politics and that is to make friends. His enemies are many, and on the program they pointed out a recent damaging quote from Senator Bob Dole, who stopped the Government shutdown in 1995 that Mr. Gingrich created.

Senator McCain, for his part, described the explosion in earmarking that as Speaker, Mr. Gingrich ushered in to being. By extension, Mr. McCain, showing some of his former Maverick ways, said that the Citizens United ruling showed a naivete on the part of the Supreme court (a prominent Republican calling out ideologically Republican Supreme Court judges). The Romney campaign combined with its advocating Super PACs are outspending the Gingrich campaign 5 to 1 in Florida, nearly 20 million dollars in total. Regardless, because of all of the different political pockets that is Florida, it is a Romney state as Mr. Scarborough declared, and he would certainly know. Romney will get the certain win in Florida, but as everyone on the program agreed with was that the Republican primary campaign will go on for a while to the summer. By the end of March, the Republicans will have a nominee, most probably Mr. Romney, and remember Mr. Gingrich isn't even on the Virginia ballot.

The battle between the 'establishment' and the Tea Party, as David Axelrod noted, could go on for a while and all of that obviously benefits the President. Mr. Gregory described the President's State of the Union address as the campaign kick-off speech. He's correct, but that shouldn't be what the address is used for and if indeed that is now what it is then they should go back to the written address, just put it online, we'll get to it.

Mr. Axelrod continued to make the case that the President laid out in that speech, which is not the deficit and debt, but the way in which we cut and pay it down. So yes, the President wants to change the tax code where the wealthiest pay more taxes. When the President says that he wants to make things more fair, give everyone a fair shake as Mr. Axelrod termed it, that would mean raising the capital gains tax, which is essentially money making money on investments, not wage earning like with most Americans. It's an effective argument because of the large numbers shown to the public, and case number one is Mitt Romney who made over $40 million dollars in the last two years and paid 13.9% in taxes. He didn't break the rules, as Mr. Axelrod noted, but that they should be more fair. [The inherent problem aside that dissertations are written on what 'fairness' means in America.] Mr. Axelrod, however, was wrong that the policies of the last decade were the cause of income decline amongst the middle class. It's actually the policies of the past thirty years.

Republicans such as Mr. Scarborough and Senator McCain say that the President should have listened to the Simpson-Bowles commission and taken up its recommendations. Here is where fairness should come into play, politically it's called compromise, and among the commission's recommendations were tax increases, which Republican lawmakers were contending. However, as the President and Mr. Axelrod are saying, manufacturing is returning to the United States, but we haven't gotten their candid explanation as to why. Is it because of the lack of unions in right-to-work states and low taxes? But then again why would they ever make the case for the Republicans. They certainly aren't making for themselves.

Roundtable: MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, & NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd.

The Jan Brewer Finger Point: The visual which is all over the internet and also discussed on today's program is beneficial to no one - it's the conclusion that no one in the media is coming to. The finger point occurred on the tarmac because President Obama voiced his exception to a passage in Governor Brewer's book, which described their meeting in a poor light after she had said publicly that the meeting went very well. It was petty on the part of the President and poorly judged not recognizing that Mrs. Brewer is a panderer to her base. However, for Governor Brewer's part, to point your finger at the President, otherwise known as the most powerful man in the world, is disrespecting the Office that Mr. Obama holds. And to later say that she felt threatened was disrespectful to the individual that holds it.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

1.22.12: A Fracturing Win for Newt

Was yesterday's 12 point win over Mitt Romney by Newt Gingrich a shift in the plates or just a barbaric South Carolina yawp in the wilderness of frustration that is the Republican primary season? The answer is that it's the latter that has a long echo, one that can and will be heard in Florida. Mitt Romney needs to get his act together, and put his mouth where all that money is.

The money will win out in the end, but it needs to be acutely directed by the candidates statements, and Newt Gingrich has Mitt Romney on the severe defensive. When Mr. Gingrich attacks Mitt Romney on trying to not really answer any questions with regard to his record or his time at Bain, Mr. Romney has no response, no counter. He'll release his tax returns on Tuesday putting the issue to rest of why he was reluctant to release them in the first place, but immediately they will be scrutinized essentially becoming a whole separate issue.

Mr. Gingrich explained that the message to be taken from his South Carolina win is that there is real pain that people are feeling economically and that there is a real anger with the national establishment. We'll give a touch of credit to Mr. Gingrich in as much as that he has been listening to the electorate and has realized their collective hardship in this economy, However, this real anger with the national establishment, as Mr. Gingrich puts it, is very much his anger with the news media and the Republican party establishment in New York and Washington.

The down side is that Mr. Gingrich's policies, if implemented, are not going to be beneficial for the people who he purports to have sympathy for. As Joe Scarborough put it during the round table, the politics of grievance that Mr. Gingrich practices is not going to be enough to win a general election. The divisive language that he's been spouting toward the President is going to turn off the general electorate. Mr. Gingrich invokes Saul Alinsky, the Chicago community organizer, recognized as the originator of modern community organizing (sourced from the Wikipedia entry). Mr. Gingrich fully well knows that when he throws out a reference like that where most of the people he's talking to don't know who that is, but the name sounds 'foreign,' he provoking a kind of xenophobia that doesn't really exist. It's a variation of the birther code type of attacks on the President. The Keystone Pipeline and Saul Alinsky have nothing to do with one another, but Mr. Gingrich will tie the two together to instill the hint of fear.

Every time Mr. Gingrich is asked a question that he doesn't like, he turns the tables saying that he's appalled at the news media. Case in point today was when Mr. Gregory asked him about Mr. Gingrich positioning himself as an outsider when he was a 'strategic adviser' for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, what some would perceive as a lobbyist. With the exception of not registering as a lobbyist, that's exactly what he did for the mortgage giant. Governor Chris Christie even called that the oldest dodge in the book. Mr. Scarborough repeated said during the program that Mr. Gingrich isn't even a conservative.

Today's panel seemed to believe that the Republican party was on it's way to a brokered convention or the rise of a third party candidate. With that in mind, Chuck Todd said that yesterday's result was not about Mr. Gingrich, but really about Mitt Romney, or more accurately what Mr. Romney needs to be to win. The fact of the matter is that none of these candidates have what it takes to win the general election. And Governor Christie, during his interview today, did not help Mr. Romney's cause.

Mr. Christie said that the people going to work at Sports Authority and Staples have Mr. Romney to thank for that. Well, guess what? The people going to work at the Sports Authority are the same people going to work at Staples. Individuals who work there need both jobs to pay their bills, put food on the table, and maybe, possibly send their kids to college. These are the middle class jobs that America aspires to as described by Mr. Christie? We don't think so.

The Republican party is one that is truly fractured and in particular a Newt Gingrich nomination is not going to heal it. He said today that the establishment made a mess of things and should be shaken up. It's obviously clear that Mr. Scarborough and Mr. Murphy ("couldn't win a swing state if it were made of feathers") are not siding with him and that's just the tip of the establishment. The morning show host went on to say that beside not being a conservative, Mr. Gingrich is an opportunist we ran out of the Speakership, also noting that he was fined $300,000 for ethics violations, the report for which should absolutely be released - what were those violations?

Despite Ron Paul saying in his post-South Carolina primary speech that winning delegates is the name of the game and it's a game he'll be in until the end, his followers may demand the break. Paul supporters already clearly know that the candidate is not given his due deference during the debates. Ordinary Republicans are really sure how to react to Mr. Paul's answers because they clearly do not fit in with Republican orthodoxy.

Newt Gingrich winning in South Carolina is good for only Newt Gingrich. The Republican establishment wants Mitt Romney, the electorate wants Newt Gingrich. Ultimately, the country will come to find that they want neither.

Rountable: Morning Joe's Joe Scarborough, the BBC's Katty Kay, Republican Strategist Mike Murphy, and NBC's Chuck Todd

Sunday, January 15, 2012

1.15.12: Value, Character, and Behavior

All the talk of the upcoming South Carolina primary aside, the one thing that is sticking with us from this week's program is the fact that when Mr. Gregory asked Senator Reid how to overcome at 66% disapproval rating, the Senate Majority couldn't come up with any solutions. He had nothing. He couldn't even cite a single piece of legislation going through Congress that has bi-partisan support. This is a big obvious problem that our government faces, and no one can come up with solutions?

Senator Reid squarely blames the Republican Tea Party caucus for this problem and said that he hopes that their influence will wane in the next year. You can tell that the mention of the Republican Tea Party makes Mr. Reid blood curl, a wince on his face. This column has no love for the Republican Tea Party caucus either. Contrary to what the Tea Party heads would say, it does not also consist of 'many Democrats and Independents.' It's a Republican movement and the minions of this movement do not understand that they vote against their own best interest. It's simply difficult to take that seriously. That, coupled with the extreme, uncompromising views of its representatives in Congress who continually put the government on the brink of shutting down is so counter productive for the whole of the populace.

Fortunately for us, we don't have to work with them - it's not our job. But Senator Reid needs to find a way to get things done with these people in the room, it is his job. Another part of his job for the Democrats is maintaining their majority in the Senate. With 23 Democratic seats up for re-election and 10 for the Republicans, Senator Reid said he felt pretty good about the Democrats holding. We would not be as optimistic about that or about Mr. Bob Kerry's chances of winning re-election in Nebraska if he decides to run again.

We agree with Mr. Reid in terms of the tax policy he discussed issuing a surtax of one half of one percent on the additional millions that people earn. Comparatively it's a small amount that could pay for a lot, even it goes directly to paying down the debt. We appreciate Mr. Reid pugilist heritage and hence his style, but he has to come up with more solutions.

On the South Carolina primary, Newt Gingrich seems pretty confident he can make a splash in the state hammering on the theme that he is a real conservative and that Governor Mitt Romney is a Massachusetts moderate. What we still find interesting about that is that Mr. Gingrich wants you to vote for him of course, but the way he phrases it, "do you want a real conservative or...," clearly denotes the 'anybody but Romney (and Ron Paul)' notion. It's so obvious, it's kind of hysterical. He further explained that the candidate that can craft a bold, clear distinction between himself and President Obama has a better chance of winning, a Reagan conservative, as he put it. The person whose policies have best reflected President Reagan's has been Barack Obama so there goes that argument. Of course the problem with Mr. Romney is that his of late extremely conservative rhetoric scares Reagan Democrats and Independents, and Republicans like it but don't believe it. So how's he in the lead? Money and organization.

To the second part of that - organization - everyone agrees, Mr. Gingrich, Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC), and Representative Tim Scott (R-SC) that the splintering of the evangelical vote amongst the other candidates benefits Romney, and his organization capitalizes on that. We, like other commentators, hope that Romney doesn't win in South Carolina because we'd just like to see the other primaries matter, but alas it will not be. Unless something big happens this week to negatively effect Romney's chances, he'll be hard to beat. And according to Lindsay Graham, South Carolina picks Presidents, referring to the fact that since 1980, every primary candidate who has won the state has also won the nomination. What he didn't say is who he endorses, and for that matter neither did Mr. Scott. Mr. Graham added that he might not even vote. We guess that they'll both just take the tact that the people of South Carolina have spoken and we'll endorse their choice. Frankly, that's... well... lame. The people of South Carolina look to these people for their insight and to abdicate the voice that people have bestowed on you does not speak well. Stand up for someone.

Mr. Gingrich mentioned that in selecting a candidate, it's about value, character, and behavior. None of today's guests unfortunately lived up to that measure in the answers. Mr. Gingrich with respect to attacks occupies no high ground than his primary opponents. That Mr. Reid repeated the phrase 'obstructionism on steroids' to make any point is disappointing. The South Carolina delegation essentially stating that they'll both respectively vote for anyone as long as they can beat Barack Obama says nothing for political conviction.

Lastly, Mr. Gregory and Mr. Reid discussed the recess appointment, technically proforma appointment, of Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Congressional Republicans are saying that the appointment isn't valid because Congress never technically recessed, hence proforma. It's like being on call, but in this case there's no intention of returning even if the call comes, effectively a recess. Republicans simply do not like the newly formed Bureau in and of itself so they of course do not want to hold hearings. But the fact remains that the agency does exist, it was voted into being and now someone must head it. The void has existed for too long and now that the nominee is Richard Cordray, a Republican from Ohio, and not Elizabeth Warren, it's puts Senate Republicans in the awkward position of having to grill one of its own. Even thought, there seems to be no problem with that in the Republican presidential primaries. Shouldn't there be a procedure that when an agency, bureau, or cabinet position needs to be filled and the President nominates someone, there must be mandatory hearings held within a certain time frame? The appointment needed to be made.