Sunday, June 12, 2022

6.12.22: The Tragic Choice and the January 6th Commission

It is true that Americans' votes won't be decided by the January 6th Hearings. Not this year at least, but maybe in 2024. Representative Don Bacon (R-NE) said he did think there was too much information that he didn't already know, which may be the case for a member of Congress, however, for the American public there was almost too much to take it. 

The Special Committee on January 6th, 2021, as Representative Elaine Luria (D-VA) stated, has only presented and will be presenting statements backed up by hard evidence.  And the hard evidence will be damning, no bullshit, unlike how fmr. Attorney General William Barr describe the fmr. president's election fraud claims.

Unfortunately, Professor Eddie Glaude, Jr. of Princeton may be correct in assessing it as a tragic choice. 

If the evidence is too overwhelming, the Department of Justice may have no choice but to prosecute and if they do, Prof. Glaude predicts a steep rise in violence. However, if they do not prosecute, then what we're saying is that there are some who are above the law in the most glaring fashion. As for the 2024 presidential election, we of the same mind as Rep. Bacon in that he and also Republicans will be "looking for another candidate." 

Representative Bacon also mentioned the temperment of the former president being a disqualifier as well, which bring us to the whole episode with Vice President Mike Pence. How the former president said that the VP deserved the punishment of the crowd, which was hanging is truly sad on so many levels. However much we disagree with Mike Pence's policies and positions, we know for a fact that this is a man who has pledged an oath to the Constitution many times and did not break that oath. How many times has the fmr. president taken that oath - once. (The write of this week's column has taken multiple times.)

The panel agreed that the hearing really resonated with independents and though the frustration and perhaps anger may subside over time, the facts will not be forgotten. At the end of this road, whenever that is, there will not be a conviction, at most political radioactivity and exile... maybe.

What we're revved up about is all the Congressmen asking for pardons, specifically Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) who was named during last Thursday's hearing. Who else was asking for a pardon? Why would these individuals feel they needed them? What did they do? If any convictions do come, they're going to be from this crop of jokers. Resignations at the least. 

Who can say for sure if these hearings will affect the mid-term elections later this November, but maybe, just maybe it will be one small step in cleaning a little house and cleaning up some of the doodoo-kaka-poo-poo the fmr. president left behind.

On the breaking front...

At the end of today's program, Lee Ann Caldwell of The Washington Post had breaking news that Senators Chris Murphy (D-CT) and John Cornyn (R-TX) have reached a deal on gun safety legislation. We'll wait and see but it's said to include state crisis intervention laws (red-flag), mental health provisions, upgrading school safety.  Small things around the margins of the problem, but things nonetheless. There Mr. Todd had a moment, reminding us that nothing's been announced and more importantly nothing has been voted on. Being skeptical is a truly tiresome fashion that simply will never go away. 

Panel: Amy Walter, The Cook Political Report; Eddie Glaude, Jr., Princeton University; David French, The Dispatch; Lee Ann Caldwell, The Washington Post

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