Sunday, September 26, 2021

9.26.21: A Sick Patient and The Poison Drip

The Democratic party is like a sick patient that doesn't realize that the remedies for what ails it are right there in front of its face, while it inexplicably continues to accept the poison drip from the Republicans.

The demand from the progressive side of the Democratic caucus that the reconcilliation bill, which The Cook Political Report's Amy Walter rightly explained doesn't have a name nor identity, must pass first before the infrastructure bill is only causing delays filled with uncertainty of whom stands where jeopardizing the passage of both.

Even without progressive and moderate Democrats at an impasse, the Biden Administration's agenda was always going to be at risk, but as the Democrats are wont to do, they make it harder on themselves. And then there is Dr. Strangebrew, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) administering the debt ceiling poison pill to threaten the faith and credit of the United States to pay its bills. Chuck Todd asked Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) if the failure of crafting bipartisan police reform legislation and Senator Tim Scott's (R-SC) rhetoric about Democrats being unwilling to changing their stance of 'defunding the police,' which Senator Booker refuted, explaining that there is no call for that in the bill, came from someone higher up in the party, like McConnell. Senator Booker to his credit didn't engage in any partisan accusations and declined to speculate, but please...

Senator Republicans move, follow and speak at the discretion of the Senate Minority Leader. And the longer the Democratic party sits illin', with inaction, the mad doctor McConnell will find an excuse and a way to kill infrastructure as well.

Ms. Walter also mentioned that Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) is a firm no vote on the $3.5 trillion reconcilliation bill, but has yet to come forward with a number that is acceptable to him. With all due respect to Mr. Manchin, as a senator you created a problem and didn't come to the table with a solution, which doesn't get anyone anywhere. You're either part of the solution, part of the problem, or part of the landscape. Credit to Ms. Walter once more for quoting Mike Tyson to sum it up: Everyone has a plan until you get punched in the face, and the Biden Administration keeps taking the jabs right in the eye.

The strychnine for democracy that is the former president keeps doing his part to coerce Republican state legislatures to do sham recounts to continue his poisoning of our democratic system by eroding faith in the process. (Why do we get that sinking feeling that when this all comes to a head, it's going to be truly 'fugly.' And though we appreciate Meghan McCaine reiterating that she thinks the former president is a Godzilla under the water, she is too dismissive and appeasingly nonchalant about the threat he poses. We guess she didn't catch the interview right before she came on with Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, who as Chuck Todd put it, reported on a failed coup attempt.

Sometimes the mess becomes much worse before you can get it all cleaned up, which is where the Biden Administration is right now, and the Democrats in Congress need to get their act together and lend a hand, heal themselves and heal a nation. Question is: Who's got the antidote? 

Come to think of it... Even if they had the antidote, half the people wouldn't accept it anyway. 

Panel: Meghan McCaine, The Daily Mail; Eddie Glaude, Jr., Princeton University; Amy Walter, The Cook Political Report; Leigh Ann Caldwell, NBC News

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