Sunday, September 19, 2021

9.19.21: The Summer of Delta Ahead of Our Winter of Discontent

Is it just us or is it that when you actually listen to Dr. Anthony Fauci explain things, it's really not that complicated. The Biden Administration has put a plan in place to roll out booster shots according to FDA guidelines, which informs the CDC. Right now, the FDA is reccommending booster shots for people over 65 years old and individuals who work in high risk occupations, like ICU personnel or with unlying health conditions. 

In the meantime, Dr. Fauci explained that the the first priority is to get as many of the 70 million Americans who are unvaccinated vaccinated. Being optimistic, Dr. Fauci explained that if we can get a great number of those people vaccinated, we may not have a bad winter.

But knowing what we know and having seen what we've all seen, many of those people will not move from the status in which they are now. If we maintain the status quo on the vaccination rate across the country, this is going to continue as the shadow of foreboding in the winter of our discontent.

We sincerely hope that it doesn't come to pass and the winter is indeed mild in terms of Covid-19, however suffice to say that confidence hasn't been inspired. 

Not only that, but as Anna Palmer explained, when Congress comes into session, there will be investigations on Afghanistan which isn't going away. Then there is the infrasture bill yet to pass and the albatross of the $3.5 trillion reconcilliation budget bill. Of the latter, it's vital to note the stupid and stupid: First, Senator Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) playing games with the debt ceiling is an abdication of responsibility and a feckless, dirt level move, of which he is widely known for. But most Americans aren't ever paying attention to the debt ceiling and it only ever becomes an issue when there is a Democrat in the White House. 

And Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) has got the debt ceiling debate wrong, but admittedly, he leaves the debate in a state of twisted metal and glass. The debt ceiling accommodates money already spent, not what is coming down the line. Not to mention that Republicans during the previous administration suspended the debt ceiling vote so that a tax cut could be done on reconcilliation. Yeah, pretty harsh on the Republican Senator we happen to like. 

The other stupid is the Democrats including immigration into the budget bill, and this should be obvious, right? First, it just made the mountain that much steeper to climb to get it passed. But what really bothers is that it's tucked into a budget bill instead of being stand-alone legislation. Totally sends the wrong message. If Democrats want to appear bold and moving forward, they must put these bigger issues on their own pedestals. 

Between the persistence of the delta and congressional inaction and rhetorical fighting, one would be tempted to wish for a normal harsh flu season.

Panel: Anna Teresa Kumar, Voto Latino; Anna Palmer, Punchbowl News; Rich Lowry, The National Review; Jeff Mason, Associated Press

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