Sunday, June 21, 2020

6.21.20: It's Not Only the Supreme Court...

President Trump said via Twitter, "Do you get the impression that the Supreme Court doesn't like me?"

This tweet came in response to the Court's ruling on DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) which came after the Court also ruled earlier in the week that individuals could not be fired on the basis of their sexual orientation, which is a major victory of course for the LGBTQ community.

Along with the LGBT community, DACA recipients are mostly Latino so there are two other groups not in the 'like' column for Trump. Then there are those four former cabinet members - John Kelly, John Bolton, Rex Tillerson and James Mattis - that really aren't seeing it either. The African-American community... please.

Then there's 60 percent of the American public that disapprove of his job performance. Suburban moms are in the midst of a sickening kerfuffle, figuratively and literally, so they're keeping their distance as well.

Then there was the rally in Tulsa last night.

One million tickets requested, 19,000 Trump supporters indoors and another 40,000 expected outside. But only about 7,000 showed up, and the campaign cancelled the 'overflow' speech that the president was to give to the crowd outside because it would have been in front of only like 40 people. Concerns about coronavirus spread, given that masks were optional and were not worn, plus what Carol Lee reported on Trump's enthusiasm issue while he paints a doomsday scenario if he is not reelected.

So many have tuned out, even rally supporters who know they're going to get the same show, that Donald Trump is desperate. So much so that he sees the mountain coming and the plane is out of control. The president playing defense as Yamiche Alcindor described was an understatement and a half (understandable, Ms. Alcindor works for PBS), because the president has to do something to fire up his base. Ms. Lee said the rallies are the campaign's only play, but this time around that he is the incumbent they will not go over as well if Tulsa is any indication.

Also in desperation with more nefarious intent, Mr. Trump along with Attorney General Bill Barr, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin who all see the writing on the wall are covering for the president in multiple ways, namely this latest firing of Geoffrey Berman, U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York, who was investigating Mr. Trump's associates. Steve Mnuchin, this week, refused to tell a congressional oversight committee who he gave $500 billion of tax payers' money to through the business relief program. And Mr. Pompeo is there to cover up and mitigate the damage of all these self-interested foreign deals Mr. Trump is making. Firing all the Inspectors General has only made their collective tasks easier.

However, John Bolton put his dislike into print and the Trump Administration couldn't do anything about it. Another malfunction for the Trump campaign because as Ms. Alcindor described from her reading is that the book's general thesis is that Donald Trump is unfit to be president. And even though long-time Republican strategist Alex Cardenas who has known Mr. Bolton for close to 40 years calls him a 'truth teller,' One can not disagree with Congressman Adam Schiff's assessment that Mr. Bolton indicted himself on cowardice and greed. The damning excerpts that have already been released, would have put Republican senators in an untenable position if Mr. Bolton would have testified during Mr. Trump's impeachment.

Point being to all this, it seems it's not only the Supreme Court that doesn't like Mr. Trump.

Panel: Yamiche Alcindor, PBS; Carol Lee, NBC News; Alex Cardenas, Republican Strategist

One more thing...
You have to love that Mr. Cardenas said that the Trump Campaign got 'punk'd' when it came to getting a million RSVPs to the rally. The campaign was indeed nervous and they over-hyped it.

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