Sunday, May 17, 2020

5.17.20: "Vaccine or no vaccine, we're back." Yeah, baby!

"Vaccine or no vaccine, we're back." Yeah, baby!

The president called us warriors, willing to put our lives in danger, perhaps die, for the cause. And we are because we can't let the cure become worse than the disease. As the president explained, he's lost friends as have many people, but 90,000 dead Americans in two month is such a small percentage of the population. What did we lose in WW II? 420,000? Even that's a small percentage, and Covid-19 isn't even close to that.

Seriously, the administration has given it enough attention and haven't we all become tired of Dr. Anthony Fauci going on and on. There's something going on with him anyway and you have to ask if he can really be trusted? We're not looking in the rear view mirror. We need to get back to work and get the economy going. So grab a helmet and buck up.

From the world of the cosmically callous, it's back to reality...

By the way, the cause and the goal above all else is for Donald Trump to be reelected for another term as president, of course.

And as he sees it, he is running on three issues - one that's sent him packing, another that has gone south, and yet another that's flat out made up. Director of Trade and Manufacturing Peter Navarro said he's "not looking in the rear view mirror" in doing his other task of D.P.A. coordinator. Well, isn't that good for him, but everyone else is looking back over the past 3 1/2 years trying to decide if they want more of this.

The Covid-19 virus has sent administration packing and into complete switching-gears mode because it knows that it's never going to get a handle on something it never had a handle on in the first place. In the meantime, the economy tanked to historically low levels - this being the only thing he could have possibly run on. Mr. Trump is mistaken if he thinks damage that will take years to correct will come back well enough in a few months for him to make his case. And the third is the made up Obamagate to distract and sure up his base supporters, which incumbent aren't doing at this point in the race as it's already a done deal in most cases.

To Hell with the president's reelection for a moment, this is a serious problem for the American populace. The president of the United States, from the White House lawn no less, is propagating his own conspiracy theory, but reality has come crashing in. So sure, from the president's perspective, his section is taking on water, but we're in the boat with him. This is administration energy and attention to manufacturing a scandal for political gain while the public suffers. You be the judge of that.

 PBS's Yamiche Alcindor explained that the president was going back to his 2016 and going on the offensive, attacking President Obama, as well as Mr. Biden, as Mr. Trump's campaign advisors consider him part of the tick. However, the issue is that a conspiracy theory is originating from the office of the U.S. presidency this time around, not a candidate.

And Republicans on the Hill, they got nothing. As Politco's Anna Palmer explained, even considering the president's Obamagate attacks, Republicans are unwilling to break with him and in some cases coordinating.  Obamagate, what's that? Sounds good, I'll co-sign. That's about what you get from them these days.

When something like this comes from the White House, it pretty much blows up Clint Watts conspiracy theory bonfire model that first there's a spark, then kindling - more people sharing, and then gasoline - social media and influencer discussion. Well, the president of the United States skips right to the end, to our collective chagrin.

But Republicans' silence on that stupidity is not what offends. Since April 1st to this past Friday, the 15th, the Trump Administration has fired 4 Inspectors General, eliminating oversight of the administration on a wide-ranging basis. The last instance was Mr. Trump taking action at the request of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who was in fact being investigated. Republicans on the Hill: Yeah, we get it. Forget about oversight and the rule of law for the time being. It's only when a Democrat is in the White House will they flex their full hypocrisy muscle.

Lastly, given all of the norm (and law) breaking on the part of Donald Trump as our president, we're not going to criticize Barack Obama for taking a dig at the current president. Some one who gets people to listen has to speak up. There's also the fact that it's like dismissed common knowledge that Obama would have done a much better job.

"...tore back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they're doing."

"Some aren't even pretending to be in charge."

'Nough said.

Panel: Yamiche Alcindor, PBS News Hour; Peter Alexander, NBC News; Anna Palmer, Politico

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