Tuesday, February 04, 2020

2.4.20: The Presidential Infommerical... The State of the Union

For the Presidential infommercial... uhhhh... The State of the Union address, we took some notes and added a few reactions. I say it in the notes, but he only spoke to one side of the room. Raw steak anyone?

Walks into the chamber at 9:03.

It will be interesting to see how he will address impeachment, and he certainly will. 

He's not smiling at all. He doesn't look happy.

At the rostrum...

The president didn't shake the House Speaker's hand.

Republicans are chanting "4 more years."

"Our country is highly respected again."

"The years of economic decay are over."

Lots of platitudes into "the state of our union is stronger than ever before."

He's only addressing one side of the room. He's not even looking at the other side.

The failed economic policies of the previous administration. Obama gave him this economy.

7M off food stamps and 10M off welfare, really?

16% wage increase for low income workers since his election.
Blue collar boom.

Kyrsten Sinema stood up for tax cuts.

Tony Rankins - veteran success story.

Regulation reduction campaign.
Mike Pence can't wait to stand up. The vice president has a man-crush on Donald Trump.

Unlike so many before me, I keep my promises. OMG.

China trade... and farmer bailouts.

Socialist Dictator of Venezuela... Maduro's grip will be on power will be coming to an end.
Juan Guaido in the house.

Socialism destroys nations - a shot at Bernie.

Allies are now paying their fair share.

The SPACE FORCE. I'm kind of in for the Space Force. Sounds like a cartoon, but whatever.

The only victories in Washington are the ones that delivery for the American people.

Put America first...

Failing government schools... The knock on public education.
School choice...

Opportunity scholarship, awarded by the president.

No child should be forced to send their child to a failing government school.

The Be Best initiative... Yeah, whatever happened to that? Does the first lady do anything?

Vocational and technical training in every single high school. But where would that training take place? In public high schools.

Healthcare is 60% less expensive and better since he came into office. Huh?

Shot at Medicare for all.

Ban free government healthcare for illegal aliens, but they don't get that now. "A very tall and powerful wall is being built."

There is no fact-checking this in real time, but there is no way he's being honest about any of this.

Rush Limbaugh shot out - diagnosed with stage four cancer. No one has done more to divide America. Don't wish anyone ill will, but...

And now the Presidential Medal of Freedom, please.

Oh brother. Thought this was the State of the Union address.

Asking Congress for the banning late-term abortions.

Paid family leave for government workers - He signed the bill but he didn't want to. He didn't want to give them the money.

We must also build America's infrastructure.

The heroic I.C.E. officers - 120,000+ criminal aliens.
Illegal aliens were responsible for over 2,000 murders?

Going after New York and California for their immigration policies...

My administration has ended catch and release. You will be promptly removed from our country, after your separated from your family.

The Constitutional right to pray in public schools... on if you're a Christian. Keep religion out of the schools.

Second Amendment applause line... Yada yada yada.

It's just weird that reality is so much different than how President Trump describes it.

It's nice that the brought the soldier back, but it's cheap politics. What about the rest of the troops not getting preferential treatment. 

America is a land of heroes... Weird sense of history. Reminiscing about America is very Trump.

He didn't even touch impeachment or anything close to it... Well, that's a relief.

Nancy Pelosi torn up the speech before he even left.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) gives the Democratic response.

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