Sunday, December 01, 2019

12.1.19: The Whining and Complaining President

If impeachment inquiry of President Trump ends up with the Judiciary committee drawing up articles for a vote in the House which passes and then goes to the Senate for a trial where they vote to keep the president office (both votes along party lines), it will be what the American people already expect. This is exactly what will happen.

Republican strategist Al Cardenas explained that what President Trump did was worse than what Richard Nixon did, but that opinions on the president have already been set. Worse than Richard Nixon... think about that for a moment.

Impeachment must go forward even if the outcome is predetermined, which it seems it is because of the larger point that Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) outlined that the president has betrayed the trust of the American people. He consistently puts his personal advancement above the agenda of the American people. What kind of person who wins the presidency of the United States to become the most powerful person in the world constantly whines about unfairness like Donald Trump. This column for one is sick and tired of Mr. Trump playing the victim card.

He has gotten nothing done as president with the exception of a wasteful corporate tax cut and two Supreme Court justices. Healthcare, nothing. Prescription drugs, nothing. Opioid crisis, nothing. Gun violence, nothing. Foreign policy, worse than nothing - the American people have taken hits all over the world for the impulsively poor decisions that this president has made.

As for the circumstances of impeachment, it must move forward, popular or not, because you can not let the president's lawbreaking go unaccounted for. Of course, the president is going to muddy the waters and talk about the unfairness of it all. Please, he's the president and he's a whiner. All he does is whine and complain and Americans have little tolerance for someone if that's all he does. Yes, you could say that this column is filing a complaint about the president's whining and complaining.

The converse of this is what you heard from Senator Kennedy (R-LA) who seems like a pleasant person, but a person who had the gall to say that this president has a demonstrated record on fighting corruption. Where did this notion even come from? He also said that the former Ukrainian head of state, Petro Poroshenko, actively worked with Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election. Simply stated, Mr. Kennedy is spouting Russian talking points. After Fiona Hill's testimony, an expert on Russia, the Senate was briefed by the intelligence community on Russian versus Ukrainian interference and the information on Ukraine is fiction. Mr. Kennedy told Chuck Todd that he wasn't briefed and that Ms. Hill is entitled to her opinions. It's funny in the most profoundly sad way that these are the people representing our country. Mr. Kennedy, sir, do your job and go to the briefings on national security.

And that's what is at stake here. John Kerry and Arnold Schwarzenegger started a World War Zero project to combat global warming and climate change. However, what's really should be in the works is a cyber-informational WW III in which America and it's allies stand up to Russia and cripple the economy and disinformation infrastructure. Russia is a petrol state and the two are tied together.  Talking and doing something about climate change and the environment directly impacts Russia and its misinformation hegemony.

However, not with this president, and not with this Republican senate, blindly loyal to a petty commander in chief who whines and complains about unfairness. Speaking of unfair, David Brooks reported that many Trump supporters were disgusted with the president's intervention in military cases involving Navy SEALS acting unlawfully. What sets America apart from others is our morality and our belief that we fight for good with honor, but the president not having any understanding of what it is to be in the service of one's country has decided that one of the aspects that makes the United States exceptional doesn't matter.

Mr. Trump makes irresponsible decisions all the while complaining and whining about fairness when he has broken the law. Life's not fair Mr. President, get a helmet.

Panel: Theresa Maria Kumar, Voto Latino; Betsy Woodruff Swan, The Daily Beast; David Brooks, The New York Times; Al Cardenas, Republican strategist

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