Sunday, June 02, 2019

6.2.19: Chaos Enabler, The Sarah Sanders Interview

We missed last week for taking some much needed time off during the Memorial Day weekend, but we couldn't let Administration Press Secretary Sarah Sanders' first appearance on "Meet The Press" go by without comment.

Ms. Sanders, you have to hand it to her, is the perfect mouthpiece for President Trump. She is an expert at deflecting questions in other directions, being vague in lieu of substance and of course blame.

The mere fact that Ms. Sanders refers to Kim Jung Un as 'Chairman Kim' bestows a sense of respect that the brutal North Korean dictator hardly deserves, and that is understating it. She said that she agrees with the president agreeing with Kim Jung Un's assessment of former Vice-President Joe Biden. Think about that... Donald Trump once again siding with dictators over American citizens.

She also stated that Mr. Trump was able to get American hostages back from North Korea. Hostages? One hostage, Mr. Otto Warmbier, who died when he arrived back in the United States essentially murdered by Kim Jung Un. Explain this to Mr. Warmbier's parents.

Yet, it's all the Obama Administration's fault for the situation with North Korea and their advancement of their nuclear capabilities. Ms. Sanders said that the president is hopeful that Kim Jung Un will keep his promise to denuclearize the peninsula because of their good personal relationship. That's called 'getting played,' and everyone can see it. By conducting a missile test the other week, North Korea clearly violated a United Nations Security Council resolution, which even the president's National Security Advisor John Bolton clarified. Yet, the president is not concerned.

Lastly, Ms. Sanders continues enabling the lies with regard to corruption in the FBI and the Department of Justice and that individuals need to be held to account. Chuck Todd asked her specifically if James Comey would be arrested, to which she deferred. However, if there are arrests of such individuals as Mr. Comey or Andrew McCabe then democracy has truly lost.

It's been over two months since the last White House press briefing... And we pay her salary?

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