Tuesday, February 05, 2019

2.5.19: Notes from President Trump's State of the Union Address

Here are my notes from President Donald Trump's second State of the Union address.  Make of them what you will...

President enters the House chamber at 9:03pm EST.

POTUS to the rostrum at 9:05pm EST.

This is a moment of unlimited potential.

Hoping to govern not as two parties but as one nation.

The agenda of the American people.

Victory is winning for out country...

Platitudes platitudes platitudes...

75 years in June of the Allied liberation of Europe in WWII.
Salute to the WWII veterans in attendance.

50 years Apollo 11 moon landing...

In the 20th century there was nothing to compete with America.
Now, create a new standard of living in the 21st century.

More platitudes.... and empty applause lines...

Embrace compromise and the common good.

Pointless destruction.. Tonight I ask you to choose greatness.

In just over two years - unleashed an economic boom...

600,000 new manufacturing jobs...

5 million Americans lifted off food stamps.

The hottest economy in the world. Pence is such a sycophant...

Tax cut for working families and double the child tax credit.
Nearly ended the death tax - small businesses and family farms? Really?

Cut the mandate on Obamacare, and cut regulations...

Number 1 producer of oil and natural gas in the world.

A net exporter of energy - first time in 65 years.

Thankfully, I'm drinking during this...

The state of our union is strong.

An economic miracle is happening...

Ridiculous partisan investigations can stop this miracle... There can't be war and investigations... That's just weird... He needs to be investigated...

Nearly 300 individuals waiting to be confirmed by the Senate.

Criminal justice reform, which he seems to be taking credit for...

Story of Alice Johnson....

The First Step Act - gives non-violent offenders redemption.

The urgent national crisis - 10 days left to negotiate a deal to secure our very dangerous southern border.

Large organized caravans are on the way to the United States. I have ordered another 3,750 troops to the border. Defend our very dangerous southern border.

Tolerance for illegal immigration is cruel...

MS13 operates in 20 states...

Instilling fear with regard to the southern border.

A common sense proposal to Congress - physical barrier or wall... A proper wall, I will get it built.

A steel see-through barrier. - Where a wall goes up, illegal crossings go way way down.

With a powerful barrier in place, El Paso is now one of the safest cities... So not true.

"Walls work and walls save lives."

I need another drink...

More women in the workforce than ever before, and thanks to Democrats there are more women serving in Congress than anytime before.... who all dislike Donald Trump.

Calamitous trade policies... $250 billion in tariffs on Chinese goods. A new trade deal with China.
and the catastrophe known as NAFTA.

America's crumbling infrastructure... investments in the cutting edge industries of the future... doesn't mention what they are and then moved right to healthcare - prescription drugs and preexisting conditions.

Mitch McConnell looks sad... I guess his pharmaceutical donors won't be happy.

We will defeat AIDS in America and beyond...

The fight against childhood cancer...
$500 million for childhood cancer research and now it's time for school choice... non sequitur

I'm asking Congress to pass legislation on late-term abortions.  Cherishes innocent life, but not the separated children at the southern border... Hmmm.

$700 billion last year and $716 billion this year for the military. Allies need to pay their fair share - NATO...

Missile defense treaty with Russia - IMF Treaty. Not to mention that this is what Putin wants...

The Korean peninsula  - If I had not been elected we would be in a war with North Korea. He's meeting with Kim Jung Un again... twice!  Reckless foreign policy...

Calls for socialism in this country - we were born free and we will stay free. Of course the camera cuts to Bernie Sanders.
"America will never be a socialist country..." Ridiculous...

Principled realism in the Middle East... Opened the American Embassy in Jerusalem...
"Great nations do not fight endless wars."

Removing the troops from Syria... Even if you don't like that, we'd be leaving our allies out to dry and giving the Putin regime exactly what they want there by ceding influence.

18 years ago - the USS Cole attack... Happened in October 2000 FYI.

Defense against anti-semitism - honoring holocaust survivors and a SWAT team member from the Tree of Life synagogue tragedy... He's making up for his Charlottesville fine people on both sides comments... my cynical commentary aside it is genuinely a good thing to honor such individuals...

Look at the opportunities before us...
We do the incredible...
Re-ignite the American imagination...
I am asking you to choose greatness. We must go forward together...

If only he'd stop tweeting...

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