Tuesday, January 30, 2018

1.30.18: Notes and Thoughts from Mr. Trump's First State of the Union Address

Was having a bit of fun with the notes and thoughts; got a little snarky at times so don't take it too seriously... or take it very seriously.

Not that much clapping and applause... Subdued for sure.

Sitting behind Trump is the right nut and the wing nut, with him at the head.

(Maybe he'll make it short.)

 It's scripted so he'll do well and his supporters will say he hit it out of the park.

(You better mention the first lady, buster.)

Is he going to start slurring his words again. That would be priceless.

Platitude and Applause...

Always like salutes to first responders and soldiers, as long as they don't get political.

Trying not to question the president's sincerity, but it's hard not to.

Set aside our differences, unity for the people we were elected to serve.

Nancy Pelosi had a look on her face like, "What a fucking bullshitter."

The state of our union is strong because our people are strong. (But she stood for this statement.)

Rising wages I think are due to how it dominates the social everyday working person conversation.

He's riding the economy that the previous administration cleaned up and got back on track, but Trump would be flunking politics 101 if he didn't take credit for it.

Repealed the core of the disastrous Obamacare. The individual mandate is now gone.

35% to 21% so US companies can compete and win.

This is our new American moment.

(Rah-rah really isn't what we need but so be it.)

How could he bring up the NFL, in not so many words, but standing for the National Anthem... How are we united in one moment when in the next he's reminding us of his dog whistle politics.


Wait what, empowering cabinet members to fire whomever they want?

We ended the war on clean coal! At least that's one war we've ended, right?

The terminally ill can experiment, they should have the right to try... (marijuana for the first time).

The whole prescription drug thing was a Republican policy that didn't allow the government to negotiate the prices. A giveaway in other words.

1.5 trillion for infrastructure, on top of the 1.5 trillion for the tax cut? 3 trill, all in?

(This speech is bizarro...)

Open vocational schools so people can realize their full potential...

Reforming our prisons...in Republican parlance that means further privatizing.

I wonder if the staff calls the president "The Extreme" like Bill Paxton in Twister. Because Trump always goes to the extreme example, extreme rhetoric. Never tempered.

His constant concern is our poor? Have you ever heard of Twitter?
Oh, and everybody matters.

Americans are dreamers too... hmmmm....

Calling for bi-partisanship on immigration, but for cryin' out loud, he had the Graham-Durbin bill in his hand!

Now, he's negotiating from the podium?

Building a great wall... Chinese anyone?

Merit-based immigration system. Statue of Liberty be damned!

Chain migration is the ugly term for family immigration.
Limiting it this immigration reform is good for the future of white America.. Weird dog whistles throughout this speech.

Bring immigration into the 21st century? Didn't you mention a wall? It was just a mention.

(Addiction, not eddiction.)

We have to stop the drug dealers and the pushers to stop the opiod epidemic? The pharma sales reps., the doctors, and the pharmacies better look out.

(He ain't making it short.)

Foreign policy...

Mr. Trump will ask congress to end the defense sequester and fully fund the military.

Who clapped when the president said that sadly we're not "there yet" on agreeing on eliminating nuclear weapons.

I want to know what really happened to Sgt. La David Johnson in Niger? Why were four US soldiers positioned in a place with no support? Among other questions...

This speech is getting like the book version of the "American Carnage" speech on Inauguration Day.

(Thank you General Mattis for keeping the president hand away from the button.)

We're keeping Guantanamo open. We're going after anyone we deem a terrorist anywhere they are? Anywhere? That sounds unconstitutional, don't you think?

UN voted against our right to make that decision. Pass legislation that money only go to friends of America, not enemies... like the Palestinians.

The Iranian nuclear deal - wants congress to look at the terrible deal.  That would be dangerous to renege on that.


How many 'uplifting' stories can we endure?

In talking about Sung Ho, he's the exact type of person Mr. Trump wants to keep out of the country.

The Capitol is the monument to the American people... important cheer leading moment, I guess.

He actually looked back at the teleprompter in the middle of "God Bless... America."

One of the longest... but not in terms of word count.

Given the recalibrated the scale, and that he didn't kill anyone - jk, and that he didn't focus on himself which was refreshing, I give him a really generous B-, or a C++. Take your pick.

(But I'll be honest, I don't feel in anyway uplifted.)

From Fall River, MA - Rep. Joe Kennedy - Democratic Response

A town built by immigrants.

Fractured fault lines across our country.

A straight up counter-punch speech, putting forth the Democratic vision. Democrats choose both.

Well played; well delivered.

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