Sunday, December 10, 2017

12.10.17: Roy Moore Is A Lose-Lose For America

With the special election in Alabama coming up this Tuesday, it's safe to say that Alabama voters couldn't care less about what this blog has to say about it, which gives one the freedom to opine on the election. NBC's Hallie Jackson mentioned that there were other big Roy Moore stories before the very credible allegations of Mr. Moore molesting children.

Refusal to take down the Ten Commandments from the court house = unconstitutional.

Banning individuals of Muslim faith from serving in Congress = unconstitutional.

Making homosexuality illegal = unconstitutional.

Instructing lower court judges to not honor same sex marriages = unconstitutional.

One of the best time for families was during the period of slavery = despicable.

And then there's molesting children... And this guy was a judge?

Since Alabama voters don't care about this blog, I'll say that if they elect Roy Moore, it's evidence of the state's majority has little knowledge of or use for the Constitution and 'morally bankrupt' becomes an apt description for that majority.

If Mr. Moore wins the Senate will seat him and the chamber, controlled by Republicans, will ultimately do nothing. Even at this point, how does the GOP credibly claim that it's the party of family values? It no longer can not. That's not to say that Republicans writ large are despicable or deplorable or what ever adjective you want to use, but let's certainly dispense with the moral high ground. What we've also learned this week is that Democrats can not claim it either. With that in mind, tribal politics, which has been the order of the day thanks to Mr. Trump, is not the answer for the United States. For example, even if you disagree with Senator Tim Scott's (R-SC) policy positions, he's a senator that has earned and deserves respect.

But make no mistake, the election of Roy Moore to the Senate is a lose-lose for America. As David Brooks said, if he's elected the Republican party will be viewed as repulsive for a generation.

This brings us to the tax bill, which in sum is not good for 99 percent of the American people and here's why... First, under reconciliation, meaning the Republican-controlled Congress are enacting it as a budget deal which only needs a simple majority, punishes blue states by allowing for less tax deductions. However, the tax bill will eventually create 1.4 trillion dollars in nation debt (as has been calculated) so Republicans are proposing that since this is the case, cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security will have to happen, which disproportionately adversely effects people in red states, as Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) outlined. So every one loses except the top one percent. By the time the general public digests and understands all this, it will be too late to go back.

Lastly, there's the growing effort by conservative pundits, TV personalities and more and more Congress people to discredit the Mueller investigation. Of course Sean Hannity comes to mind first and foremost, but Mr. Hannity is solely interested in maintaining power, money and influence, not justice and the truth. The president would fire Mr. Mueller, a Republican appointed as FBI director by a Republican president, at his own political peril. The Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan said that there would be huge political backlash for such a move, but really would there be? Hmmm... Let Mr. Mueller, who thankfully is immune to the TV hacks, finish his work and the American people will judge. As Congressman Jim Himes (D-CT) described, there are too many 'funny' (my word) omissions, obfuscations and forgotten facts that it's extremely difficult to conclude that it's coincidence.

Panel: Hallie Jackson, NBC; Peggy Noonan, The Wall Street Journal; David Brooks, The New York Times; Cornell Belcher, NBC analyst

One More Thing...
Senator Al Franken and the other resignations (Conyers, Franks) this week... The bottom line is that whether you agreed with their politics or not, they all had to go.

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