Friday, March 24, 2017

3.24.17: Seven And A Half Years... And Nothing to Show For It

The Republicans had 7 1/2 years to come up with their own health care plan while voting over 50 times to repeal the Affordable Care Act. In all that time they never came up with a bill that could accommodate, placate and resuscitate all their different factions - doctors' caucus, freedom caucus, the caucus caucus, whatever, and today...

Republicans, owning the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House, couldn't even get a bill to the House floor for a vote. Basically, the day came to a hard stop when House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) said, "Obamacare is the law of the land for the foreseeable future..."

And the president needed this badly. Mr. Trump needs to change the conversation away from Russia and his campaign, but without health care as a policy focal point, the press will be right back to it until the Republicans can get their act together on their next major initiative, tax reform, but who knows when that will be.

And if the president and the Republicans in the House get beaten up by the press for this failure then they just have to take the punches because they blew it.

Where was the deal maker? The leadership? The rank and file support? No where to be found. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price couldn't sell it. He sounded disingenuous about the whole thing, at best. Vice President Mike Pence was no help because he expanded Medicaid in his state of Indiana as governor so now as VP he's making the argument to repeal it and take people's health insurance away?

"Are all of us willing to give a little to get something done?" Mr. Ryan asked. He essentially asked for compromise but it was his caucus that plays zero-sum politics and doesn't believe in that notion, even though that's what politics is.

And the reason I mentioned tax reform earlier because if they repeat with that what they did with health care and they're just showing that they're incapable of governing. Never mind what they going to do to get Democrats on board. The president erred in trying to lay the blame on them; it didn't stick but then again I guess you give it shot.

But wow, now the Republicans have only one foot left because the AR-15 they were holding took the other clean off. They really shot themselves in the foot with this health care disaster.

Seven and a half years... 7! And nothing.

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