Sunday, January 08, 2017

1.8.17: [NOTES] McCain, Graham, Conway, Carter - Russia and Obamacare

On the subject of Russian interference in our democracy:

Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) - Joint Interview

Senator McCain: I believe our intelligence officers

Senator Graham: If President-elect Trump is still skeptical that Russia tried to interfere with our   elections after the briefing, that's deeply unnerving to me... If one party is compromised, we're all compromised... I want to give Donald Trump the opportunity for Russia to pay a price. I want more sanctions, more help for the Baltic states. If he's still unsure, that will shake me to my core.

KellyAnne Conway - counselor to the president-elect
Russia allegedly attempt to influence the election, but they did not succeed in embarrassing this country on the world stage. They did not succeed.
When Donald Trump is president, he will meet with his intelligence team and then decide what to do.

Andrea Mitchell, NBC News
It's the attempt itself.
It's not just cyber, but also the propaganda wars.

David Brooks, The New York Times
Steve Bannon, senior advisor to the president-elect, wants a new world order of national populists against Islam. [read: Alliance with Russia]

Rick Santelli, CNBC
The timing of these intelligence briefings and release of the findings are politically driven.
[Congressional] hearings are kabuki theater.
You [NBC political reports] chose sides during the election. Impugning the integrity of reporters at his own network. Andrea Mitchell takes exception to this.

Ash Carter, Secretary of Defense
It's an aggressive act against our democracy.

On Obamacare:
Repeal and Replace
Clips of Senators Rand Paul (R-KY), Bob Corker (R-GA), Tom Cotton (R-AR) saying that it must be done simultaneously.

Rick Santelli
No problem with repeal, but a problem with the replace, because it will cost to much money.
Analogy of comparing healthcare to cars, each having components.

Andrea Mitchell
A silly analogy [a shot for questioning her integrity earlier in the show].

Prediction: repeal for certain, replace will leave a lot of people without coverage but with more "choice," and the replace will cost a lot of additional money.

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