Sunday, January 15, 2017

1.15.17: [NOTES] John Lewis, Reince Priebus, Dianne Feinstein and The New Abnormal

John Lewis, Reince Priebus, Dianne Feinstein and The New Abnormal

Panel: Helene Cooper, The New York Times; Danielle Pletka, American Enterprise Institute; Rich Lowry, The National Review, Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic Monthly

This Week:
Trump's nepotism hiring of son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

Trump's 'bizarre' (Chuck Todd's word) news conference. Concede 'bizarre,' but it was definitely not presidential.

Inspector General opening an investigation into FBI Director James Comey's handling of Hillary Clinton's emails.

Senate Intelligence Committee opens investigation on Russia's interference in our election.

And then,
Congressman John Lewis (D-GA): Trump isn't legitimate. "I think the Russians participating in getting this man elected."
Finds the prospect of working with Donald Trump almost impossible.
The legitimate comment - understand that he said, but I would have advised against it.

John Lewis: Will never forget or forgive Donald Trump for saying Vladimir Putin is a better leader than Barack Obama.
A shameful statement from Trump, and yes, he did say that.

Trump's Reaction to Congressman Lewis's statement on 'legitimacy':
Your district is in horrible shape and crime infested. All talk talk talk, no action...
Again, not presidential - not even close.

Reince Priebus Interview

Mr. Priebus: It's shocking he, John Lewis as historic as he is, would question the legitimacy of the election. What he said was irresponsible.

About Michael Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador 5 times on the day new Russian sanctions kicked in...
He's the national security advisor and he talks to our countries' representatives everyday, it's part of his job. But, it's not his job, yet! So did the White House Chief of Staff on "Meet the Press" just acknowledge that Michael Flynn violated the Logan Act?

Trump and his methods of communication...
Rich Lowry: Welcome to the new abnormal.

Jeffrey Goldberg: Trump is easily trolled. What happens when someone like North Korea or China say something he doesn't like?
His response to John Lewis was not an appropriate action.

Danielle Pletka, on John Lewis comment: Russia doesn't necessarily want Trump, but they want people to question everything. John Lewis didn't mean to help that cause, but he's in effect helping that.

Helene Cooper: Twitter tantums are not the way a president should respond.

Danielle Pletka: This is what the American people chose.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Interview
She regrets the president-elect's response [on John Lewis's comment] - not seeing the bigger picture.
Trump needs to step up and realize he represents the whole country.

Chuck Todd: Did Russia interfere with the election, and did it affect the outcome?
Senator Feinstein: Yes and yes. The aim was to bring down Hillary Clinton, a sophisticated two-year operation.

The senator is not ready to say that James Comey should be fired, yet.
The Wall Street Journal: Comey must resign.

Jeffrey Goldberg: Director Comey has united Republicans and Democrats - neither are happy with him.

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