Sunday, September 11, 2016

9.11.16: Where Is Our Decency? / 9/11 Anniversary

We'll get to topics from today's program later...

We find it incredible that a former First Lady of the United States, Senator from New York and Security of State becomes ill and no where in press coverage or in the Twitterverse do we see anyone showing any sympathy or well wishes. Instead we see stories about how she 'hid' her illness and that speaks to transparency issues or that her health jeopardizes her campaign, etc. Truly, if it were anyone else, the reaction would be completely different.

Whether you agree with Sec. Clinton's political positions or not, she has served and represented this country and all its citizens at the highest levels so let's show some common decency, shall we? On Friday, a doctor determined that Sec. Clinton has pneumonia and that she was dehydrated. Why would that be? From campaigning for 15 months straight and shaking thousands of hands in the process? Maybe Sec. Clinton needs a little R&R that she should take without the press's cynical speculations. We say, "Take a few days, rest up and be well." We would apply this to Mr. Trump as well if it were to happen to him, though we vehemently disagree with his candidacy in general. It's just the right thing to do.

Is Sec. Clinton supposed to call up all the press outlets and announce at full volume that a doctor just said that she had pneumonia? Really? Also on Friday, Sec. Clinton used the word 'deplorable.' Well, it applies here.

Wow, this campaign just sucks. There, we said it.

We didn't agree with George W. Bush on many of his policies, but he was OUR president and then nor now would we wish to see him ill. And that brings us to say this about a comment Mr. Trump made about Vladimir Putin being a better leader than OUR president Barack Obama. If in the face of the international community or in front of a clear adversary, if you don't have the back of the President of the United States, an office you seek to hold, then you don't have the back of the United States itself, and all its citizens. We don't support a man for President of the United States who thinks that Vladimir Putin presents a good leadership model. Period.

We need to think more instead of just being angry, which we all know is completely counter-productive.


It gives us no pleasure to admonish so many, but it's the 15th anniversary of 9.11, and we dishonor the memories of all the people who died and all the heroes (first responders) that were born that day by wishing the worst for fellow Americans.  The glimmer of hope that horrible day brought us was that it showed us that we, as Americans, can come together as one. Let's honor the memories of 9.11 by showing that side of ourselves again.

I had been living and have since lived in New York when that tragic day arrived. These are the never before seen photos I took on September 12, 2001.

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