Sunday, August 21, 2016

8.21.16: State of the Candidates and the Race

While "Meet The Press" is still being preempted by Olympics coverage and the fact that we're in the midst of a steamy August, we thought we'd weight with a short post on the state of the candidates and the race.

And the prognosis is negative.

Sec. Clinton's email troubles are just getting worse with judges ordering written answers, the FBI impartiality under attack, politically sophomoric comparisons to Colin Powell, and the Republicans gearing up for another 'juicy' hearing. Not to mention the political debacle that is now the Clinton Foundation providing more smoke surrounding the notion of the 'pay for play' politics that Mr. Trump is barking about. And where there's smoke, there's a Republican hoping for fire.

Judge: Clinton must answer written questions from Judicial Watch about use of private emails

Judge orders Clinton to answer questions on email use

And this opinion piece...

Hillary Clinton shouldn’t drag Colin Powell into her email mess

Worsening troubles in the worst kind of problem because it involves email and servers. With already all the hacking we know about, this kind of political (at the least) vulnerability leaves you open to an embarrassing information drop at any moment by an agent you can not chase. But we'll also say this, in their typical short-sighted approach, Republicans think the hacking of the DNC is a political win, not ever collectively stopping and thinking that this is an attack on all of us. The sad thing is that establishment Republicans do understand this, but the conservative constituency doesn't want to hear about it.

Compounding this will be the inevitable multi-committee hearings by a Republican-controlled House thus straggling the effort to get any meaningful legislation passed in a would-be first term of a Clinton presidency. 

However, within the political world we currently reside, any reasonable person will also excuse all of this (do you believe?) because her opponent is Donald Trump. Simply stated, The Republican Party should be ashamed of themselves for nominating Mr. Trump. The candidate has demonstrated in his rhetoric that he embraces the worst of our American values. With Mr. Trump, we're disgusted with what we know (what he's said) and we're also disgusted with what he hasn't said. And we're talking about his businesses.
Paul Manafort’s Unsurprising Resignation

And this opinion piece...

Mr. Trump needs to disclose his tax returns because with his businesses hundreds of millions of dollars in debt to the Bank of China, the resignation of his campaign manager Paul Manafort over his ties to Russian oligarchs and other foreign dictators, and Mr. Trump's own alleged business ties to Russian. Only his tax returns will shed light on any doubt of Donald Trump acting as president not in the best interest of the country but his business first.

Between what he's said and what we know he willfully doesn't choose to tell us or disclose and on top of the fact that we know he knows nothing about foreign policy, we feel that Mrs. Clinton can change (hopefully, has changed) the way she uses her email. In other words, we'd rather deal with the hearings. 


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