Sunday, March 13, 2016

3.13.16: Mr. Trump Showing In His Inner Hugo Chavez

In the wake of Friday's events in Chicago at a Trump rally, we're simply stunned by the comments we heard today not only from Donald Trump but what we didn't hear from John Kasich and Ted Cruz, the latter of whom said that he would in fact support Donald Trump if he's the Republican nominee because Hillary Clinton (and Bernie Sanders) would be a 'manifest disaster' to use his term. But this coming from a man who called the Republican Majority Leader a liar on the floor of Senate and President Obama a world-class demagogue.

In today's interview, Mr. Trump had the gall to rhetorically ask, "What have I said that's wrong?" while blaming 'professional disrupters' for the violence at his rallies. Hugh Hewlitt confirmed that there are in fact professional protesters, and we concur with Mr. Hewlitt (after ripping into him a few weeks back)! We googled it and we found one firm call Crowd on Demand based in Beverly Hills. We are surprised that the only professional protester firm you can hire wasn't in Chicago.  Again ridiculous, and we were coming to the conclusion that Mr. Hewlitt is not a thoughtful conservative. He seems stuck in his own echo chamber.

Mr. Trump takes no ownership of responsibility for the incendiary rhetoric - Mexicans as rapists, Islam hating America, etc. - that has caused the protests to form in the first place. Not to mention that on this very program this week he said that if Bernie Sanders' supporters came to more Trump rallies to try and disrupt them, he would call for his supporters to go after Bernie's. What?......... He then proclaimed that his rallies are peaceful. In Mr. Trump's view, there's only democracy for the people who support him, which isn't democracy at all! Mr. Trump even accused Chuck Todd of not loving the American flag as much as him when discussing an incident in.

People, this is Hugo Chavez type stuff.

For Ted Cruz, Reince Priebus, Chris Christie, Ben Carson and the rest of the crazy right-wingers who condone or (gasp) endorse Donald Trump, they should be ashamed of themselves for putting blind ambition ahead of country. Running a country is not the same as running a business and if you think it is, either your ego and wallet are so big that you think that's the way it should be or you're not informed enough on the matter to know the difference.

In a way, we hope that Donald Trump does get the nomination and it destroys the Republican party because we're so fed up with the denials, ignoring of facts, lies, obstruction and partisanship to the extent that it damages the country as a whole. As it is right now, the Republican party no longer functions as a public good. Winning at all costs is the only thing that matters instead of looking to do the one thing  explicit in the name of The United States of America, and that is to united people.

Short post this week, but we refuse to ruin the rest of our pleasant Sunday discussing the disgusting Donald Trump.

Panel: Alex Castellanos, Republican Strategist, Anne Gearan, The Washington Post, Doris Kearns Goodwin, presidential historian; Hugh Hewlitt, conservative commentator

One more thing...

Ted Cruz won the Guam caucus.

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