Sunday, October 25, 2015

10.25.15: Common Sense and the Lack Thereof

In defense of his inexperience, presidential candidate Ben Carson said that common sense (which he implies that he possesses) is more important than the collective political experience of the other candidates in the race, but in interviews Dr. Carson doesn't demonstrate that he has any of the common sense he's referring to.

And speaking of 'making no sense,' the Benghazi hearing need to end. Wrap it up... now.

After watching just a few hours (we have working lives that interfere with watching 11 hours of pointless testimony) of the hearings, it's clearly evident that the Republicans controlling the committee are just out to capture of soundbite from Secretary Clinton that they can use as indictable 'evidence' in the court of public opinion to damage her candidacy for president. At this juncture, these hearings are pointless, senseless, a waste of money and time.

Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) who heads the committee said that it concerns him that Secretary Clinton testified that she takes responsibility for what happened, but never really answered the question of what went wrong for which she takes responsibility. With all due respect to Congressman Gowdy, he had 11 hours to ask these questions and get that answer. If he's still asking the question at the point, then he hasn't done his job as committee chair. He said that he still didn't know what errors were made and who made them. That's on him and his committee!  Chuck Todd ask Mr. Gowdy why the committee didn't ask the secretary about Libya policy in general, and the reason is because Republicans are interested in that.  When will Republicans give up the pettiness and stop embarrassing themselves.

Which brings us back to Dr. Carson who must stop with comparing everything to Nazism and Slavery. First, it trivializes both and second, most importantly, the comparisons are offensive because his logic (his common sense) is so off-base that it disqualifies him to be president. If the Jews in Germany were armed, they would have stopped the Nazis from committing the Holocaust is one of Dr. Carson's statements, to which he said that Jewish leads said he was 'spot on.' No, not all. The Polish, French and Russian armies were armed and didn't fare so well.

Obamacare is the worst thing the U.S. government has done to its people since slavery is another one of Dr. Carson's gems. Never mind that he forgets about Native American genocide, Japanese internment camps, Jim Crow laws. Just because Dr. Carson is soft spoken doesn't mean he knows what he's talking about because he clearly doesn't.

And what consideration does he show to women and their well-being when he says that they should not be allowed to obtain an abortion because of rape or incest? It's a complete disregard for women's health, specifically their mental health (if not for anything else). And doesn't this disregard constitute a breach of his hippocratic oath as a doctor?

Yet, mental health consideration should be a determination when purchasing a gun according the Dr. Carson whose interpretation of the Second Amendment as he outlined today is incorrect. He said that the second amendment assures that people have the right to the same guns as its government so that tyranny by said government could never occur. His is a dangerous reading because it discounts a critical word in the amendment, which is 'regulated.'

The Second Amendment
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Panel: Doris Kearns-Godwin, Presidential Historian; John Harwood, CNBC; Jennifer Rubin, The Washington Post; Stephen Henderson, Detroit Free Press

A few more things...
Though we didn't quote the panel at all this week, we did notice the slight change in format for the program, stacking into the second half of the program - all sitting at a table. This pretty much reverts back to the format of one when Tim Russert was moderator. Much better use of the panel for sure.

And then there is Mitt Romney who even when he gets it right, he gets it wrong (the fatal flaw of his candidacy as John Harwood pointed out). Mitt Romney walked back a comment he wrote about Romneycare, which was followed by Obamacare making the inference that both in the end were good ideas. Mr. Romney is still unable to truly speak his mind so we'll take the gross liberty of doing it for him.  Yes, they were both good ideas.

And lastly, repealing Roe v. Wade is a non-starter for this column. We do not advocate for women to have abortions and we wish that they were only few and rare, including in cases of rape and incest unlike what Dr. Carson appalling said today. However, that decision ensures that and assures all women in the United States that they have complete control over their own bodies not to be dictated to by any government entity. In other words, freedom to decide. Personal freedom is important to all conservatives (emphasized because this group speaks loudest about the concept) and all Americans so to be true to that ideal then it has to be defended on all fronts.

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