Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3.10.15: Seven Dwarfed By Forty-Seven Idiots

Forty-Seven Republican Idiots...

If you actually think that what these forty-seven Republicans Senator did in signing an ill-conceived letter written by freshman Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) then you have no idea of how foreign policy should be conducted and the signal that this sends allies and adversaries alike.

Here are the seven still worthy of the office (the adults in the room):  Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Senator Dan Coats of Indiana, Senator Thad Cochran of Mississippi, Senator Susan Collins of Maine, Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, who is the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.  If he didn't think it was a good idea, then why would his forty-seven colleagues not heed that advice.

How did all of these supposedly experienced legislators with names like Hatch and McCain think this was a good idea?  We expect counterproductive legislators like Ted Cruz or James Inhofe to sign onto such stupidity.  But not the Republicans that have in fact shown some common sense like Rand Paul or Kelly Ayotte. 

Way to lead your Senate caucus Mr. McConnell...  Why don't you just thrown the gavel over your shoulder like a bouquet for anyone to catch.

And why are we so angry with this move? These Republican senators not only embarrassed themselves with this stunt, but all of us.  Secondly, not matter what these individuals think of the president, you do not disrespect the office of the presidency.  If you believe that the United States is an exceptional nation, for good or ill, you do not disrespect the lead office that is the face of our foreign policy.


And if you don't believe us that it was stupid and dangerous then read David Ignatius's (someone who is very critical of Mr. Obama's foreign policy) column in today's Washington Post.


Maybe you think it's farce... like how Dan Milbank describes Republicania, also from today's Post.


As idiotic and deplorable as this stunt was, we wouldn't go quite this far (but we love the provocation):

Wow, what's next?

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