Sunday, December 28, 2014

12.28.14: Accountability and Reality - the Community and Its Police

Given that it was an end-of-the-year edition of "Meet The Press" with a long segment about satire, entertainment and politics, we won't discuss such a general discussion but instead just refer to a few observations made during the taped panel in relation to the most pertinent topic at hand which is tension between the community and the police; more specifically between the African-American community and the police.

As New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton stated, the goal is to reach common ground between the community and the police, and as we commented in last week's column (reprinted below), that initiative needs to be undertaken by the police. As the commissioner outlined, common ground consists of keeping lawful protests from becoming police riots, the police showing restraint, and talk consisting of more dialogue and less rhetoric.

That last bit pointed in the direction of New York City Police Union leader Patrick Lynch whose rhetoric has pitted the police department against Mayor Bill De Blasio and City Hall.  Every time we think of Mr. Lynch we think of Jack Nicholson's character in A Few Good Men when he says, "...I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom [safety in terms of this conversation] I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it.  I would rather you just said 'thank you' and went on your way..."  The problem is that it doesn't work that way in America.

There are certain accountability and realities that the citizenry expects and deals with when it comes to the police.  In wrongful police shootings, individuals need to be held accountable, and even as diverse a force as New York's is, there is still a disproportionate bias against young black males.  And by no means are these points singularly directed to New York City - this is every where.  Hence, people like respected Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio have to give 'the talk' to their sons about how to act around police.

And that's why the police department's union members turned their backs en masse to the mayor when he gave his speech at the funeral of Officer Rafael Ramos.  As Commissioner Bratton said, the rift will go on a while longer.  We believe this act was wrongheaded.  The professional and more honorable thing to do is to steadfastly protect and serve all of the community, even the individuals you disagree with. 

With all this said, make no mistake - we have the utmost respect for the New York City Police Department because we know first hand what they have to deal with on a daily basis, and the incredibly difficult work they successfully accomplish.  However, Mr. Lynch has to acknowledge that the department is not infallible and needs to recognize its mistakes.  

Commissioner Bratton made mention of the many national societal issues that play a part in the tension between the community and police.  Let's face it, for most Americans it's continually getting harder and harder to maintain a decent living, a decent life. Many are scrambling, which only means that those at the bottom of the economic ladder are getting more desperate in their acts in attempt to provide for themselves.  This coupled with the sense of disenfranchisement that Lewis Black mentioned during the program, and the result is anger (on all sides), and then the despicably senseless shooting of two brave men.

In New York City, until the mayor's office and the policeman's union make their peace, the community will continue its slide into distrust of both.

Panel: Amy Walter, National Editor of the Cook Political Report; Eugene Robinson, columnist for The Washington Post; Luke Russert, Congressional Correspondent NBC News; and Ken Blackwell, fmr. Ohio Secretary of State

Michael Tomasky's Noted Article:

(reprinted from last week)
Before we get to the discussion the respective dictatorships of North Korea and Cuba, we are compelled to first say this with regard to the murder of two New York City police officers yesterday; officers named Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, whose families have this column's condolences.
Why does it have to take such a heinous act to illustrate and convince people that this is not the answer, that revenge for Eric Garner and Michael Brown as the shooter proclaimed, against law enforcement only leads to more tragedy and ruined lives?  This is not what the communities in Ferguson and Staten Island (New York City) want as a resolution. And to think otherwise only serves to lower and degrade our American societal morale.  There needs to be a coming together of the community and the law enforcement structures (include district attorneys et al.) on a local level and the engagement has to start with the police - they have to make the first overture because they are the organizing principal for the community.  

Sadly, the New York City Police Union President Patrick Lynch seems to have no interest in reconciliation.  He's advised police officers to turn their backs on Mayor Bill De Blasio and has blamed him for condoning violence under the guise of protests essentially saying the that protesters are responsible for the murders.  These statements help no one.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

12.21.14: North Korea and Cuba - Where Do We Go from Here? & Sen. Rubio - Not Presidential Material

Before we get to the discussion the respective dictatorships of North Korea and Cuba, we are compelled to first say this with regard to the murder of two New York City police officers yesterday; officers named Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, whose families have this column's condolences.
Why does it have to take such a heinous act to illustrate and convince people that this is not the answer, that revenge for Eric Garner and Michael Brown as the shooter proclaimed, against law enforcement only leads to more tragedy and ruined lives?  This is not what the communities in Ferguson and Staten Island (New York City) want as a resolution. And to think otherwise only serves to lower and degrade our American societal morale.  There needs to be a coming together of the community and the law enforcement structures (include district attorneys et al.) on a local level and the engagement has to start with the police - they have to make the first overture because they are the organizing principal for the community.  

Sadly, the New York City Police Union President Patrick Lynch seems to have no interest in reconciliation.  He's advised police officers to turn their backs on Mayor Bill De Blasio and has blamed him for condoning violence under the guise of protests essentially saying the that protesters are responsible for the murders.  These statements help no one.

And now to North Korea and Cuba.

There are many points to bring into focus, but first and foremost is that the film should be released and American business and government should in no way buckle to the threats of the North Korean dictatorship of Kim Jung Un.  This has progressed way beyond exposing embarrassing e-mails, but as Chris Matthews said, "Americans have to be resilient."  The reported threat of attack on movie theaters that show the film is in fact a terrorist act, and because the FBI has determined that the computer hacking came from North Korea, that seems to say that it is state-sponsored.  

We wholeheartedly agree with Sarah Fagen, fmr. political director for George W. Bush, that we can not have American businesses being threatened.   Howver, it is worth pointing out that Sony is a Japanese company so getting the Chinese to crack down on North Korea for their actions as the various guests discussed is unlikely.  

Mr. Todd received varying answers about using the word 'terrorism' in discussing the matter of the release of the Seth Rogen/James Franco comedy, The Interview.  Sony's lawyer, David Boies, stayed away from it while fmr. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff clearly stated that this was an act of terror. 

The United States will respond there is little doubt because the message that is sent to other countries and Al Qaeda types will be that they can get away with it.  The hypothetical of attacking a power grid in the United States could certainly become very real and very dangerous.  With the prospect of a response, Mr. Todd posed the question as to whether or not it was ethical for United States to participate in cyber warfare.  We would end that debate here by saying that the question is really a matter of the battlefield.  If the United States is attacked at sea, would it be ethical to respond with a naval counter attack? Yes.  If the United States, including its companies and citizens, are attacked on the cyber battlefield then it is not unethical to respond in kind.  In saying that, it does preclude using other means of retaliation as Bill Richardson suggested by squeezing the dictatorship's finances.

Most certainly, fmr. Ambassador to South Korea, Christopher Hill, will be consulted on what type of response, and he used the words 'punitive' and 'punish.'  The U.S. needs to send a clear message to the North Korean dictatorship that the United States when it comes to threats isn't playing around; it's not a game.

North Korea is a dictatorship that doesn't understand any other way, while Cuba is really a different story.

This is column is understanding and sympathetic to the families of Cuban-Americans who have suffered at the hands of the Castro regime and to Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) speaking on their behalf, but it is time to move toward normalizing relations with Cuba.

Senator Rubio stated that his goal is for democracy on the island nation, but we disagree with him on how to achieve that.  Like President Obama and Senator Rand Paul, we think that overwhelming that country with the influence of our democracy and captialism will create the result desired that Mr. Rubio seeks.  Cuba's size and proximity make this strategy a very reasonable possiblilty for success.  The constituency that Mr. Rubio speaks for is increasingly in favor of normalizing relations with Cuba, and his strategy hasn't worked. 

And here are a couple of things to think about.  1) Vladimir Putin has made some renewed overtures to Cuba earlier this year  in the hopes of establishing a base of operation to spy on the U.S.  2) China has approached Cuba about drilling for oil off its coast.  Would the United States want those two countries having such leverage of a country 90 miles from our border? 

Not at all, and we understand that Mr. Rubio can't go back to his passionate donor base to explain these things, but that lack of leadership is not why Marco Rubio, in our view, is disqualified as a legitimate leader in this country.

Chuck Todd asked Senator Rubio about comments he made with regard to President Obama and left-wing dictatorships, doubling down and essentially saying that the president is a left-wing dictator himself because in Mr. Rubio's view, the president is helping to build up left-wing dictatorships. 

We don't have a problem that Mr. Rubio has a different view on how to approach Cuba (debate it on its merits), but this other line of thinking is way out of line.  Mr. Rubio in continuing this kind of left-wing conspiracy rhetoric, trying to once again delegitimizing Mr. Obama's presidency, is presenting politically pandering ideas that are inaccurate, divisive, gutless and just plain stupid. (Harsh, but we're calling it as we see it here.)

He's so NOT presidential material.

Panel: Chris Matthews, MSNBC; Bill Richardson, fmr. Governor of New Mexico and U.S. Ambassador to the UN; Sarah Fagen, ; John Nolte, columnist for the Breitbart News Network -

Sunday, December 14, 2014

12.14.14: Mr. Cheney's Warped Perspective

Where to even start in discussing today's interview with fmr. vice-president Dick Cheney?

A few things are clear, Mr. Cheney has no remorse; he would do it all again if need be; and that he knew about and or authorized everything documented in the Senate's torture report.  However, Mr. Cheney at times seemed defensive, which must indicate some degree of concern on his part, concern that fmr. CIA Director Michael Hayden visibly and verbally has shared this week.

Believe it or not, there is a part of this column that appreciates individuals who covet American lives above all at all costs. Mr. Cheney certainly takes an extremist view of that notion.  But the problem with that view is that those costs negate the very essence of what it is to be an American, and as Americans we don't believe in paying the price of our principles.

As fmr. president George W. Bush said, "America doesn't torture people," if you agree with Mr. Cheney's definition.  But the fact is that water boarding, despite what Mr. Cheney will tell you, is torture.  When Chuck Todd described a prisoner being put in a coffin like box for a grossly extended period of time, Mr. Cheney responded that the [enhanced interrogation] technique had been approved.  But that sounds like torture to us as does the technique of rectal feeding, which Mr. Cheney tried to defend as medically legitimate.

"It absolutely worked," is how Mr. Cheney responded to the question as to whether enhanced interrogation was effective.  But did it work absolutely?  Mr. Todd cited the statistic that 25 percent of prisoners who were subjected to enhanced interrogation were later found to be innocent.  One in four. Mr. Cheney had no reservations - the fmr. vice-president of the United States had no moral reservation about the fact the innocent people were tortured in the name of all Americans.  That provokes a visceral reaction.

There aren't going to be prosecutions of any individuals of course, though Mr. Cheney would be a candidate if there ever was one, and you have to concede the point.  But we agree with Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) in that going forward torture will be prosecuted, and that includes people who use water boarding as a tactic.

The reason that we mention the above is because in this column we try to figure out the insight by looking at something from all angles.  But the fact is that in the case, we can not defend the indefensible, who is Dick Cheney.  His views on how America should go about keeping themselves safe is completely warped.  How are we enhancing our own freedom while stripping everyone else of theirs?

Make no mistake, the American people will have to live a long time with the sins committed by Mr. Cheney in the name of the American people - the biggest of which we surely know.  

Helene Cooper mentioned that the Chinese press has been all of this story and one of the comments is that 'America wants it both ways,' meaning that we condemn China for human rights abuses but then we go and torture people.   No, the Chinese have it wrong, Dick Cheney wants it both ways, but Americans don't, that's why we released the report.

(There's so much more to be said, and it is important to comment certainly.  However, it's the holiday time - stressful enough - so why go on and on about it.)

Panel: Dan Senor, Republican political advisor; Helene Cooper, The New York Times; Andrea Mitchell, NBC News; David Axelrod, fmr. senior advisor of the Obama Administration
1.1 Trilion budget bill

Sunday, December 07, 2014

12.7.14: The Forgotten Notion of Protect and Serve; Congress Out of Touch

To those who understand and or subscribe to 'trickle down' theory know that it all starts at the top.  Chuck Todd rattled off a series of statistics regarding Congressional wealth: annual salary $174,000 (average American $54K), income growth of 15.4% (average American 3.7%), average net worth without real estate $1,000,000 (average American with real estate $166,000) so when he said that 50.2 percent of Congress consisted of millionaires, we were surprised it was that low. 

It's no wonder that 81 percent of Americans think Congresspeople are out of touch.  Let's face it, for most of Congress if it isn't about the money, it's about the power, but for more than half it's both.  Not only does Congress NOT reflect the American people politically as Amy Walter correctly pointed out, they for the most part definitely don't understand the economic struggles of the populace that they created. 

But getting into Congress is a golden ticket, and once you're in you feel like you have a license to do anything.  Just like some individuals feel when they have say... a badge.

And these inexplicable grand jury decisions not to indict either police officer in Ferguson or Staten Island perpetuate that sense of license.  As to whether or not it's a question of race or poor policing, the answer is both in both cases though we thought it profound that the widow Mrs. Esaw Garner said that she felt like her husband was murdered (by officer Daniel Pantaleo) and that it didn't have that much to do with race.

Mrs. Garner, showing herself to be a genuine person, did not sugar coat the description of her husband in the slightest saying that he 'had a past' referring to past trouble with the law and that he was lazy, but he didn't deserve any of the treatment you see on the video footage.  Whether or not Eric Garner was selling loose cigarettes or not, the Garners didn't deserve to be harassed by police being called 'cigarette man' and 'cigarette man wife.'  Mr. Garner's civil rights were clearly violated and Mrs. Garner deserves her day in court - it's that clear.

Mrs. Garner, referring to police in a familial way - 1-2-O, said she was afraid of them; she fears for her children in the face of the police because they now know who they are.  If our nation's police departments can't change that perception for ordinary citizens [not dangerous criminals] then ultimately equal justice in the United States will collapse - it's failing right now.  What ever happened to the notion of "protect and serve?" Unfortunately, it seems quaint now.  It's certainly not what Patrick Lynch, President of the New York Police Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, is focused on when he despicably blamed Mr. Garner for resisting arrest, which Mr. Garner didn't do.

The American people have a serious lack of trust and confidence in their law enforcement and the justice system, from the Supreme Court with it's idiot 'corporations are people' type decisions on down the line, and frankly, Americans are tired of feeling at the mercy of a system that they increasing perceive as unfair.

Chuck Canterbury of the Fraternal Brotherhood of Police came off a little too defensive when it came to holding officers responsible, but one valid point that he made was that it all starts with poverty or eliminating it as the case may be.  It's something the Reverend Al Sharpton also touch on the same point saying that infrastructure investment could lead to jobs and training for those on the low end of the economic scale.

Does the connection between these tragic incidents and economic hardship even register with most Congresspeople?  The focal point of 'service' seems out of their focus so obviously not. 

Panel: Rick Santelli, CNBC; Kaseem Reed (D), Mayor of Atlanta; Amy Walter, Cook Political Report; John Stanton, "Buzzfeed" Washington Bureau Chief

Mr. Todd noted the 73rd Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day, the day that entered the United States into WWII, and he said that if you haven't been to the memorial in Hawaii, it's worth seeing.  It is, but it's not so easy to get there so here you are... (our tribute)...