Sunday, August 17, 2014

8.17.14: Goodbye to David Gregory

The Huffington Post had been pouring on the coverage of "Meet The Press," especially in this last week, and its ratings woes all centered around the performance of the moderator David Gregory.   Even Jennifer Rubin of The Washington Post weighed in on the program's troubles and with some suggestions on how to fix it. (,

One of the posts from The Huffington Post shows the internal memo about the announcement of David Gregory's departure.  You'll see in the graphic below, taken from today's "Meet The Press" web site front page Mr. Gregory's farewell tweet and the official announcement that NBC Political Director, Chuck Todd, will be taking over as the moderator.

There has been a lot criticism about the way in which NBC handled all of this - not giving a supportive statement when the whispers became louder, not making the change quickly enough to save face and dignity, etc. Not to defend the network, but there wasn't an easy way to do it.  We're sure that Mr. Gregory was liked among his colleagues and it's not like his goal was to not do well and carry on the excellence of the program of record after the untimely death of "Meet The Press" icon Tim Russert.  However, this is a business and ratings are dollars and based upon that, you have to do what ever you can to compete.

One of the articles on The Huffington Post suggested that "Meet The Press" just go away altogether.  Stupid idea.  You don't cancel the first television show, the 'program of record' as we like to call it, because of a bad spell.

Chuck Todd was Mr. Russert's protege but at the time of his death, Mr. Todd wasn't ready to take over the reigns as moderator, but he is now.  As we've said in a previous column, Mr. Todd has a lot to do to improve the show, but so do the producers (also how we have previously outlined).

So before Chuck Todd takes over on September 7th, Andrea Mitchell will be serving as moderator (a curiously good choice).  With that, we thank David Gregory for his time and effort on the program and we look forward to the era of Chuck Todd beginning.

It's all business so let's get on with it.

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