Wednesday, July 23, 2014

7.23.14: Meet The Press, David Gregory Rumors

We're talking this mid-week time to comment on a story that appeared in today's Huffington Post (  It reports that after the mid-term elections, David Gregory will be out as moderator and then speculates that Chuck Todd would take over.

Here's our take on that...

We starting blogging this column in earnest at the end of Tim Russert's years of moderating the program (about 30 columns in) but had been watching him for years.  (Mr. Russert died in June of 2008.) We like everyone will say that in Mr. Russert's tenure, he set the gold standard for Sunday political programming; it's the reason why we like to call Meet The Press, the 'Television Program of Record.' 

But in all honesty, it hasn't lived up to that (maybe too) high standard since David Gregory has taken over as moderator.  It's not entirely his fault as we've pointed out over the years.  They've changed the format several times, added too many correspondents, cut down the in-depth interview segments, all of which has created a pacing that is in instances choppy coming off as not so serious in tone.  The cumulative effect erodes David Gregory's  control over the program and its a program that the moderator has to own.

In our humble opinion, Candy Crowley's State of the Union, Face The Nation with Bob Schieffer, and GPS with Fareed Zakaria are the top of the line right now.  That's serious programming... and that's where Meet The Press should be.

You're competing for the informed, the people that pay attention and vote.  They want the insight that most aren't willing to take the time to watch, or write about.  The people watching the above mentioned programs go there for something more in depth... more informed.

Does Chuck Todd taking over get you there?

Tone is very important to us.  And we mean the tone of the host's voice which dictates overall demeanor. It plays a bigger part than you realize toward the success a Sunday political talk show.  We do think that Mr. Todd's tone and demeanor are a better fit for Meet The Press we'll concede.  Oddly enough, we feel that Mr. Gregory would be better suited in the format that Chuck Todd's Daily Rundown has.  Switching places would make sense.

At the time of Mr. Russert's passing, we felt that Chuck Todd wasn't ready for the Meet The Press chair, but we didn't think David Gregory was the best choice either.  It really should have been Andrea Mitchell.  In her few replacement appearances on the program, she seemed uncomfortable but that would have gone away quickly as she has the experience hence the cred.

But now, if someone is going to replace Mr. Gregory now, NBC is most probably going with Mr. Todd.  He can achieve that high standard we outlined, but he'll have to be in it for the long haul and to 'own it' he too will have to up his game. 

As for us, we'll keep on commenting on the program of record.

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