Sunday, December 23, 2012

12.23.12: The Lead Up

Just some thoughts leading up to today's interview Meet The Press with the President of the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre...

In the two days since he gave what was billed as a news conference, but was actually a macabre infomercial, Mr. LaPierre has come under tremendous fire so today will absolutely be must see TV.  We predict that he will double down today on his statements that he made Friday as it's only natural for someone to do so when he has backed himself into such a tight corner. 

So much has been said in the past two days since Mr. LaPierre gave his speech, mostly commenting on his statement that "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," and his proposed to put a policeman in every school. 

Overall, the speech was very sad as Mr. LaPierre listed various causes - video games, Hollywood - of why these mass shooting occur, but like an addict he is in denial.  He is addicted to a lie, and that lie is that the presence of so many guns in our society isn't detrimental to it. 

We tried to figure out some kind of insight that Mr. LaPierre might have, and the only thing we can think of is that unlike the general public who just know that many people use many guns to kill other people, he has a more thorough knowledge of weaponry and therefore has a greater, traditional respect for guns.  Obviously something that didn't come across.  The reason it didn't come across is because those feelings are, in fact, not there.  When Mr. LaPierre suggested that we inject more guns into the equation as a solution instead of less or that there should be any changes to existing laws or that there should be mandatory background checks for all purchases, he not only didn't show respect for the power of the gun, but also didn't show any respect to the people who were listening to him - all of us.

It should be quite an interview.

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