Sunday, September 19, 2010

9.19.10: General Colin Powell/ President Bill Clinton

Mr. Gregory uttered the phrase, "ride the tiger," with regard to established Republican politicians attaching themselves to the Tea Party movement. For certain, Tea Party candidates are collectively ferocious, but we all know the end result of being on the back of a tiger too long - bitten and mauled.

The declarative statement that was today's Meet The Press will hopefully become a news-site endless clip reel. General Powell put it directly to the Tea Party movement, "you have to have an agenda, not just slogans." However, he does feel that this movement is healthy for the country because they have tapped into an anxiety about debt, spending, and taxes, he explained. He went further and opined that it would be good for the President if one of the houses were under control of Republicans. This way, Republicans would be forced to govern and make the hard choices.

However, if Tea Party Republicans have not given any indication that they can make these hard choices, becoming too wrapped up in their own bluster of rhetoric. In theory, the General is probably correct, but his theoretical Republican Party is vastly different than the one vying for control of Congress.

Colin Powell is a voice of reason and an essential leader for America. His position on immigration, outlining the Dream Act [an undocumented/illegal resident can work his/her way to citizenship through going to college or into the military] is sensible and realistic given his arguument with regard to the eligible working-age population, but his position undoubtedly disqualifies him from today's Republican party, they simply don't want to tolerate such a moderate voice. General Powell in fact described himself as a moderate Republican, but is there such a thing anymore. The ones who view themselves like that are not shunned from the overall political discourse, just from the party machinery. That's now run by Senator Jim DeMint from South Carolina. Regardless of whether you agree with all or some of his positions, he conducts himself and his discourse in a manner of which people should listen. This above statement does in no way let us forget General Powell's sad performance in front of the U.N. Assembly making the case for Iraq's weapons program, but in a country that facilitates, encourages redemption for so many of the wrong people, perhaps the redemption of Colin Powell is coming. Especially since his strategic position with regard to Iran is most responsible one we've heard from any politician right now. Use steep sanctions if Iran doesn't comply with international inspections of their nuclear facilities, get Russia and China involved, and use diplomacy. Very sound, but again, where was this exact strategy when the conversation was about Iraq?

What we really appreciated most was the following:

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He pretty much sums it up right at the end there, it's the base from which the international community should work.

As for the second half interview with President Bill Clinton on this notably episode, we must first say that now we know who is rebuilding Haiti. Bill Clinton is rebuilding Haiti. In just the few minutes in which he spoke about the rebuilding, you just know that it doesn't happen without his effort to bring forth donors to meet with the Haitian government to see it through. His detailed description of the realities on the ground briefly exhausted David Gregory and he has to move on.

We didn't particularly like the fact that President Clinton laughed off the incendiary comments of Former Speaker Newt Gingrich ['anti-colonial, kenyan mentality,' et al]. It is comments such as those that General Powell implored against in the front half of the program. And it is this coded rhetoric that fuel a movement, of which both guests questioned specifics of its agenda.

We wish the Obama Administration would take some lessons from the former President on how to frame their ideas and accomplishments. It's the one thing that Bill Clinton does better than any politician. He has the ability to take distill a topic so that the everyday American can understand how it would effect him.

The obvious example from today's interview is the subject of healthcare. Within this, the President outlined out in 2009, insurance company profits were up 26% and that our government pays one trillion dollars more per year on healthcare than any other country. How does this relate to the ordinary citizen? Under the new healthcare bill, 85% of a person's premium payments will not go to actual care instead of most to the industry's buracracy and profit margins from dropping coverage. And when he said that there were some things to fix in the healthcare bill, that was his code for saying that the amendments/concessions that the Democrats let slide need to be repaired.

Today's program has lead us, actually reminds us of this axiom: In the United States, there are too many politicians and a dearth of statesmen.


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Over the weekend I originate two articles yon the problems with the Massachusetts spick victual as a service to system.

Because Obamacare was modeled after the Massachusetts lay open, the failures in Massachusetts are a precursor of things to come. I very like the aid article, partly because I like Samuelson, and partly because he agrees with me (I revolve over he reads my blog).

If you come into skim my above-named to posts, there is nothing up to girl in these reports. The Massachusetts system, which includes an Obama-like insurance mandate, has increased the flood of insured, as a rule unity full of beans immature adults. In spite of that, it has also resulted in crowded turning-point rooms, increased waits, and higher costs. Numerous lobbying efforts from blocked politicians from cold fees paid to doctors and hospitals. Increasing costs arrange resulted in higher effrontery premiums which parsimonious companies can no longer yield, [url= ]ubezpieczenie zdrowotne[/url] most appropriate to patients being dumped into the constitution system. The form, already in the throes of a sink, laboured to sell d do away with of with these increased costs.

The furnishing is attempting to limit assurance premiums beside fiat, but in the consequence can simply preponderate in the short catch-phrase, and satisfaction at tuchis be unsuccessful. After all single-payer/government takeover matrix wishes as be the on the contrary substitute, which I pattern wishes as demonstrate later. The ponder of events is entirely be like to the pr‚cis I include in the recent outlined notwithstanding the better of Obamacare.

No act how honest the underlying bound, truth mostly prevails. This order also be the concept of topics I will be fetching up in the next only weeks. I ordain be examining in depth the thrust of Grossness, drugs, hooch, barbarousness and smoking on healthcare outcomes and costs, and check to instruct a rap session nearly what lines deprecating tax should take up in healthcare. I retire also be examining an leading and on occasions discussed complexion of American healthcare the amazing amount of kale, quickly and fervid travail Americans give to valueless or metrical debilitated practices, what I matrix will and testament call the position of theurgy in healthcare. More to come.

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