Sunday, June 15, 2008

6.15.08: Farewell Father Tim

It is most important to include the word 'father' in the title of today's column. Literally and figuratively, Tim Russert was a great father. It seems like a statement that could only be made by someone who knew the man personally and not some anonymous writer of some blog. But from listening to the testimonials of today's guests and knowing what we already know, the man loved his son and his family, mentored and set the standard for so many journalists, represented us in the face of power, and educated everyone who knew his name. To that point, Mr. Russert was one of this individual's political fathers. He provided a young idealistic man, fresh from the Peace Corps a reason to stay engaged in what what happening in the world; that what the leaders of this country said mattered to all of us as individuals; that people from 'little' places can do the most amazing things.

I underestimated the difficulty of writing this column because I miss my Sunday Morning Teacher - more than I ever thought. Right now, this column has no more words. I anticipated today's column about the show to be more analytical, reflective, but it just didn't work out that way as often happening that things seldom do.

We'll continue in your spirit, it's the gift you've given us.

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