Sunday, April 13, 2008

4.13.08: Forget the Facts

Once again, we are graced with the cabal of Carville, Matalin, Murphy, & Strum on today's Meet The Press. It certainly sounds like Law Firm Interrupted, four people who can endlessly speak and hardly say anything constructive. The last time these four were on Meet The Press (see blog entry from 3.2.08), this column stated that these four are so invested in individuals that none of them can see clearly. For example, Mr. Carville said that he was so fond of Bill Clinton that his incredible misstatements about his wife's visit to Bosnia in 1996 (not 1995 as Pres. Clinton said) can be easily dismissed. "Look, I love the man, ok?" stated Carville. His wife is no better. Mary Matalin takes any and every opportunity to invoke Dick Cheney's name. "Dick Cheney revolutionized the office of the Vice President." O.K., but in the utter worst way possible. Also, when these four get together, Ms. Matalin always adopts the posture of speaking last with the attitude like 'you boys spout your trivial facts, and now let me really tell you how it really is,' when her thinking is so incredibly rigid, there is no way to step back for some broader perspective.

It is not the object of this column to rail on commentators, but these four in particular don't respect the fire, they're all just lighter fluid. Not to mention, that so much of the hour was taken up with interpretations of what Obama said about people being bitter - clinging to the culture of religion and guns. Forget about the fact that Congress couldn't get a straight answer out of Gen. Petraeus or Amb. Crocker with regard to Iraq this week - like where the hell is the occupation going?! That should be the topic of conversation, or how about the incredible economic strain this country is under? Yes, well never mind about that.. pesky facts and reality, let's get on with the discussion about the discussion.

Were the remarks made by Barack Obama elitist and out of touch with the common man? Give us a break. Here is where Bob Shrum, in fact, made a good point. Hillary Clinton hasn't been a part of the real world for the past twenty-five years. The point of all of this ridiculousness (this bickering back and forth between campaigns) is certainly having a weakening effect on the Democratic Party. The politically scientific explanation for what ails the Democrats is "They just can't seem to get their shit together." Maybe they are all drinking the same kool-aid, but it starting to become evident that it might be the kool-aid with the anti-freeze in it. The Democrats are wasting away any advantage that they hold in this election. Senator McCain does have an incredible head start to the Presidency. Right now, he's not making headlines, but he's certainly making headway. Forget about the he said, she said, you said; especially when it comes to the facts on the ground - regardless of whether that's Iraqi or American earth respectively. Just invent issues [read here: swift boating] and that will ultimately effect the outcome. By the way, does the phrase 'cling to guns and religion' sound out of touch? This begs another question. When you're sitting with a group of friends, maybe having a few drinks, and someone pipes up and says, "Hey, let's discuss guns and religion," who ever feels all warm and fuzzy after that? With respect to those sitting at the table on today's program, none of them can really comment on the 'real' world with any credibility anymore.

Penultimately, there were a few comments made during the hour that do raise some concern because the fact is that when these four people start saying something, it can very well catch on. Primarily, Mike Murphy's comment that Barack Obama channels Michael Dukakis. He repeated on today's show. I'm sure that is not the first, only, or last time that that phrase will come out of his mouth. All you have to know about Michael Dukakis is that he is a herpe on the lip of the Democratic Party when comes to Presidential candidacies. Also, the results of the quoted Marist College poll, in which if there was a McCain/Rice ticket, it would win in New York State over an Obama/Somebody or a Clinton/Somebody ticket. Some believe in polls and some don't but this came up on Meet The Press. What didn't come up was that Condoleeza Rice should be considered the worst National Security Advisor in the history of the country. And after that, she should be considered to be the worst Secretary of State in the history of the nation. But she's a winner on the ticket? Forget the facts.

Lastly, this column will admit a guilty pleasure with regard to speculation about Vice Presidential candidates. No one ever really knows who it's going to be, but everyone has a great reason why it should be the person he thinks would be the best candidate. We find the names interesting. In addition to the aforementioned Sec. Rice, Sec. Powell was thrown out there as another Republican possibility. Then, of course, there is the 'dream' ticket - Obama/Clinton, which admitted feels dreamless at the moment. Bob Shrum threw out Wes Clarke as a good mate for Sen. Obama.... it goes on and on... but this column admits that hearing the prospective names is fun. However, predicting the VP is a bad D.C. Lottery game. When you predict correctly, you get little credit and no money... someone else always gets the money.

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