Sunday, January 20, 2008

1.20.08: Learning Something

Although it's early in the year, I can say with confidence that this will be the best panel of the year.

Michele Norris, NPR 'All Things Considered'
Tom Brokaw, NBC News
Peggy Noonan, Columnist, Wall Street Journal
Jon Meacham, Editor Newsweek
Doris Kearns Goodwin, Presidential Historian

If you are familiar with these individuals, you would easily agree that each is the exact person you see in his respective position.

[Aside: I realize there are both men and women in that list and above I used 'his.' It's a traditional grammar convention and not a sexist remark. That I have to explain this is a disappointing commentary on our culture.]

I am not all that familiar with Peggy Noonan, but after hearing her speak for one minute and you say to yourself, 'Of course, the Wall Street Journal.' I will read her column consistently when Rupert Murdoch makes their site for free because she made some very candid points, which are always needed. Namely, about the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton (tbd) dynasty. It is very UNLIKE us as a country to keep voting this way.

This country likes the underdog, the outsider, the insurgent (though these days that depends on geography), but then again, maybe we don't. Maybe we have been saying this to our collective selves so long that it's now really become a myth. But as mentioned by this panel today,we've been through so many troubling experiences such as the two wars and a housing crisis, not to mention warrant-less wiretapping, New Orleans, and a 9 trillion dollar debt. With so many looming clouds floating around maybe we want someone who has experience? Let's face it, we have a large contingent in this country that says frankly, 'Fuck the weak.' Callous, but true.

Which brings me to the anecdote provided by Michele Norris. But first, I can't go any longer without saying that this panel taught me something today. Gave me insight, and more importantly perspective through history. Robert Novak never teaches me anything when on Meet The Press. That's why it will end up being the best panel of the year.

She spoke about the 92 year-old man in the church, telling people to not be afraid of looking forward, embracing change. This is the movement that is Barack Obama. He inspires that thinking and that makes him a symbol. Symbols when back by words always succeed.

The panel talked about how none of the Republican candidates were the complete package, but neither are the Democrats. The two leading candidate in that party present a lot of the same ideas but operationally go about in very different ways. On the one side, having great ideas is great, but our current president always refers to a high cause, etc, but the FBI's phone bill for wiretapping doesn't paid.

If you're going take away my civil liberties, please do it efficiently.

As for the other leading Democratic candidate, Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Meacham who is a great editor and because of his stewardship that Newsweek deserves respect. He and Tim discussed significance of the recent campaign soft-tirades by President Clinton. The question: If top Dems. can't reel him in on the campaign trail, how are they going to do it if Mrs. Clinton is in the White House? This question deserves some serious thought and I'll have to come back to it in a future post.

Jokingly, at the end of the program, Tim asked the panel for its presidential picks, but then said quickly that they were out of time. Even with all the insight given in this particular hour, the back and forth with regard to the candidates is endless. Again, no one out there is the complete package. Huckabee's speak last Monday, in which he discussed changing the constitution so that it is more in line with Christian doctrine, was frightening. Michele Norris said that even Christian conservatives were 'spooked.' That's the Omen.

Speeches like that make me grateful that everything is on tape these days. However, on tape Senator Obama mentioned that Ronald Reagan presented ideas and was a transformational presidential character. The Democratic candidates seized on this. Doris Kearns Goodwin explained that yes, President Reagon did create a sea change and that it's historical fact. And she is correct - absolutely. Again, you want a Presidential historian, DKG (her dj name) is the one you want to talk to. On the program today.

[Insight into dorkness: When I see that movie 'Scent of a Woman' and Al Pacino reminisces about Lyndon Johnson, I think of DKG - Yikes!]

So when you see someone like Barack Obama speak intelligently and candidly about Ronald Reagan somehow that's blasphemy. What this really is.... it's minutiae. A little nugget to keep your eye off the real issues, which is difficult to do because so many are thrust upon us. deciphering which ones are more important than others can get confusing. Today's panel gave it all a little perspective so update your subscription of the MTP podcast and save this one!

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