Friday, July 06, 2007

July 5, 07 (22:44pst): Bush's Legacy in Full Effect

It's sad to think that a president so concerned with his legacy neglects the here and now that eventually builds it. If The President could just try to get a handle on the occupation of Iraq, stop wiretapping us here at home, and work on being energy self-sufficient, then he would have performed miracles and live up to the legend that is in his mind. However, it looks pretty certain that the next person to take the office is going to have to clean up the mess. And I'm talking mess like the one at the end of the food fight scene in Animal House kind of mess. Do I really need to go into the messy examples? OK, just a few then - Iraq, Afghanistan, Health Care, Katrina and New Orleans, Prescription Drugs, Immigration, Commuting I. Lewis Libby, and who can forget that silliness with Social Security. He was going to fix it all right, by taking the 'social' and the 'security' completely out of the equation.

However, George Bush shouldn't worry about that frivolous list or his legacy. Like I said, someone will come to clean it up. Take The Texas Rangers, they have... well, they haven't completely recovered since George Jr. owned them, but with a couple of good prospects...

The fact is that George W. Bush's legacy is in full effect. The two justices that he has appointed to the Supreme Court have already proven to be insufficient in fulfilling the title of judge. What we've seen is partisan decision making. Their decisions on Campaign Finance, School Desegration, and the Death Penalty wreak of political favoritism - toward The President's party. These decisions are Bush's legacy and we're going to have to get used to it. Hopefully by the time they are replaced (and hopefully with more rational and progressive thinking judges), we'll still be alive enough to care.

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