Tuesday, December 26, 2006

An Attempt at Resolution

In an attempt to facilitate a more active blog, I will be posting commentary on the issue more frequently. Obviously, if I am such a frequent MTP watcher then I must certainly have commentary on the events of the day, week, year, outside the encapsulated Meet the Press hour.

With that said, I would like to comment on this little tidbit: Time Magazine's Person of the Year - You - is gimmicky and editorially lazy. I can think of dozens of the people who had a better year than I did so am I still deserving? I can think of at least 20 reasons why I shouldn't be the person of the year and one of them is FOR using the internet. Have editorially cajones and pick a person - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for example. That would go well for corporate sales, I'm sure. But he did have the highest profile effect on the world this year.

What's most disturbing is that when I finally picked up a copy of the magazine and looked at the mirror, all I saw was a distorted view of myself and it wasn't affirming at all. So now the media, following the current administration, is effectively altering how we see ourselves and hence how the rest of the world sees us.

Have a happy 2007.